加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 10012 采购经理 Purchasing managers

10012 采购经理 Purchasing managers

发布时间:2020-07-22 复查时间: 2025-03-03 2380

10012 采购经理 Purchasing managers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Purchasing managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of a purchasing department and develop and implement the purchasing policies of a business or institution. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors. 

10012 采购经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 合约经理 contract manager 
* 食品采购经理 food purchasing manager 
* 经理,采购合同 manager, purchasing contracts 
* 物料经理 material manager 
* 采购总监 procurement director 
* 采购总监 purchasing director 
* 供应链物流经理 supply chain logistics manager 

10012 采购经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

采购经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Purchasing managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指挥,控制和评估机构的采购活动 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the purchasing activities of an establishment 

* 制定采购政策和程序,并控制采购部门预算 
Develop purchasing policies and procedures and control purchasing department budget 

* 确定材料,设备或耗材厂商 
Identify vendors of materials, equipment or supplies 

* 评估商品或服务的成本和质量 
Evaluate cost and quality of goods or services 

* 协商或监督采购合同的谈判 
Negotiate or oversee the negotiation of purchase contracts 

* 参与设备,产品或替代材料的规格制定 
Participate in the development of specifications for equipment, products or substitute materials 

* 对供应商审查和处理索赔 
Review and process claims against suppliers 

* 面试,聘用和监督员工的培训 
Interview, hire and oversee training of staff. 

10012 采购经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要商业管理,商业或经济学的大学本科学历或大专文凭,。 
A bachelor's degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or economics is usually required. 

* 负责单位购买专用材料或业务服务的采购经理需要相关学位或文凭,例如,负责采购工业产品的采购经理需要具备工程学士学位或大专文凭。 
Purchasing managers responsible for units purchasing specialized materials or business services may require a related degree or diploma. For example, a bachelor's degree or college diploma in engineering may be required for purchasing managers responsible for purchasing industrial products. 

* 指定的供应链管理专业(南华早报)或在加拿大采购管理协会教育方案注册登记。 
The designation Supply Chain Management Professional (S.C.M.P.) or registration in the educational program of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada may be required. 

* 具有几年的作为采购代理人或官员的经验 
Several years of experience as a purchasing agent or officer are required. 

10012 采购经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 采购代理和官员 Purchasing agents and officers [1225](1225) 
* 零售及批发买家 Retail and wholesale buyers [6222](6222) 
* 仓库经理(0714基金操作和维护经理)Warehouse managers (in [0714](0714) Facility operation and maintenance managers ) 

10012 采购经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 建筑用品采购经理 building supplies purchasing manager 
* 首席采购 chief, purchasing 
* 服装采购总监 clothing purchasing director 
* 服装采购经理 clothing purchasing manager 
* 合同总监 contract director 
* 经理人合约 contract manager 
* 董事,采购业务 director, procurement operations 
* 董事,采购 director, purchasing 
* 董事,供应链管理 director, supply management 
* 电子元器件采购主管 electronic components purchasing chief 
* 电子元器件采购总监 electronic components purchasing director 
* 电子元器件采购经理 electronic components purchasing manager 
* 设备管理者 equipment manager 
* 食品采购总监 food purchasing director 
* 食品采购经理 food purchasing manager 
* 硬件采购总监 hardware purchasing director 
* 硬件采购经理 hardware purchasing manager 
* 经理,采购 manager, procurement 
* 经理,采购合同 manager, purchasing contracts 
* 物资和服务采购经理 material and services purchasing manager 
* 物料经理 material manager 
* 商品采购总监 merchandise purchasing director 
* 商品采购经理 merchandise purchasing manager 
* 办公设备的采购经理 office equipment purchasing manager 
* 采购总监 procurement director 
* 采购经理 procurement manager 
* 采购业务主管 procurement operations director 
* 采购负责 purchasing chief 
* 采购合同总监 purchasing contracts director 
* 采购合同经理 purchasing contracts manager 
* 采购总监 purchasing director 
* 采购经理 purchasing manager 
* 供应链总监 supply chain director 
* 供应链物流经理 supply chain logistics manager 
* 供应链经理 supply chain manager 
* 供应科长 supply chief 
* 提供服务的首席 supply service chief 
* 供应管理总监 supply-management director
