加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理

10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理

发布时间:2020-07-22 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1721

10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理 Banking, credit and other investment managers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Banking, credit and other investment managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of financial establishments or operational departments within such establishments, or credit departments in industrial and commercial establishments. They oversee business development and manage overall performance in accordance with established strategic directions and policies. Banking managers are employed by banks, trust companies and credit unions. Credit managers are employed by credit departments in department stores, utility companies, car dealerships, insurance companies or other industrial or commercial organizations. Other investment managers are employed by credit card companies, consumer loan companies, mutual fund investment firms, mortgage investment companies or other financial establishments concerned with extending loans and financing and investments. 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理业务经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 assistant operations manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 银行经理 bank manager 
* 收集中心经理 collection centre manager 
* 商业银行业务经理 commercial banking manager 
* 企业银行业务中心经理 corporate banking centre manager 
* 信贷经理 credit manager 
* 信用社经理 credit union manager 
* 经理,银行业务 manager, banking operations 
* 经理,企业服务 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, corporate services – banking, credit and investment 
* 经理,信用卡中心 manager, credit card centre 
* 经理,个人服务 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, personal services – banking, credit and investment 
* 抵押贷款和消费信贷部经理 mortgage and consumer credit manager 
* 业务经理,信用卡公司 operations manager, credit card company 
* 区域收集经理 regional collection manager 
* 信托公司经理 trust company manager 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 10021 银行经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Banking managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指挥,控制和评估银行,信托公司,信用社或类似金融机构的分支业务或负责管理个人和商业贷款,买卖证券,经营投资基金,管理信托基金,固定资产或其他相关活动的相关部门的分支业务。 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the branch operations of a bank, trust company, credit union or similar financial institution or of a department in such an institution responsible for administering personal and commercial loans, buying and selling securities, operating investment funds, administering trusts, settling estates or other related activities 

* 确保该机构的政策和程序按照既定方向执行发展,并提出改进建议 
Ensure the institution's policies and procedures are followed according to established guidelines and make recommendations for improvement 

* 发展业务关系网,促进销售,贷款,投资及其他银行服务的发展,吸引企业和个人客户 
Network to develop business relations, promote the sale of loan, investment and other banking services and attract corporate and individual customers 

* 调研企业和个人客户,回应客户咨询 
Interview corporate and individual customers and respond to customer enquiries 

* 分析,审查并按照授权范围批准或拒绝贷款和信贷申请 
Analyze, review and approve or reject loan and credit applications in accordance with authorized limits 

* 监控处理贷款申请及资信调查 
Monitor processing of loan applications and credit investigations 

* 监督编制月度财务和分支进展报告 
Oversee preparation of monthly financial and branch progress reports 

* 招募员工,并确定他们的培训需要。 
Recruit personnel and identify their training needs. 

### 10021 信贷经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Credit managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指挥,控制和评估工业或商业组织信贷部门的活动 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of a credit department in an industrial or commercial organization 

* 管理企业,商业和个人贷款账户 
Administer corporate, commercial and personal loan accounts 

* 向客户推荐与其需求一致的商业和个人金融服务 
Advise customers on the commercial and personal financial services corresponding to their needs 

* 评估和审查信贷申请及抵押,并提出建议 
Evaluate and review loan and credit applications and collateral and make recommendations 

* 按照授权范围批准或拒绝信贷申请,建立信贷限额,并确定还款计划或还款时间安排 
Approve or reject credit applications, establish credit limits and determine repayment plans or schedules in accordance with authorized limits 

* 确保收集逾期或拖欠帐户 
Ensure collection of overdue or delinquent accounts 

* 根据既定的指导方针和现行法律,确保遵守信贷政策和程序 
Ensure credit policies and procedures are followed according to established guidelines and applicable legislation 

* 准备信贷和贷款报告 
Prepare credit and loan reports 

* 招聘信贷人员,确定培训需求。 
Recruit credit personnel and identify their training needs. 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要工商管理,电子商务,经济学或相关领域的大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce, economics or a related field is usually required. 

* 大型商业贷款的管理职位可能需要工商管理,金融或管理科学硕士学位 
A master's degree in business administration, finance or management science may be required for the management of large commercial loans. 

* 通常需要具备公司或其他管理培训计划的经验。 
Completion of company or other management training programs is usually required. 

* 多年行业内的工作经验,包括监管经验 
Several years of experience within the industry, including supervisory experience, are required. 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 晋升方向是该领域内的具备经验的高级管理岗位 
Progression to senior management positions in this field is possible with experience. 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 按揭经纪经理(保险,房地产和金融经纪经理)Mortgage brokerage managers (in [0121](0121) Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers ) 
* 其他商务服务经理 Other business services managers [0125](0125) 
* 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013) 

## 10021 银行,信贷和其他投资经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 客户经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 accounts manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 客户经理,商业按揭 accounts manager, commercial mortgages 
* 区域经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 area manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 助理分行经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 assistant branch manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 消费信贷助理经理 assistant consumer credit manager 
* 企业银行助理服务经理 assistant corporate banking services manager 
* 信贷经理助理 assistant credit manager 
* 经理助理,消费信贷 assistant manager, consumer credit 
* 经理助理,企业银行服务 assistant manager, corporate banking services 
* 经理助理,信贷 assistant manager, credit 
* 经理助理,业务 - 银行,信贷和投资 assistant manager, operations – banking, credit and investment 
* 助理业务经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 assistant operations manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 助理区域经理 - 银行 assistant regional manager – banking 
* 银行分行经理 bank branch manager 
* 银行主任 bank director 
* 银行经理 bank manager 
* 银行客户经理 banking accounts manager 
* 银行业务经理 banking operations manager 
* 分公司行政经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 branch administrative manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 分公司经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 branch manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 收集中心经理 collection centre manager 
* 集合管理器 collection manager 
* 收藏管理器 - 银行或信托公司 collection manager – bank or trust company 
* 商务专员 commercial attaché 
* 商业银行业务经理 commercial banking manager 
* 商业按揭贷款的客户经理 commercial mortgages accounts manager 
* 商业按揭经理 commercial mortgages manager 
* 消费信贷管理培训生 consumer credit management trainee 
* 消费信贷服务,见习经理 consumer credit services manager trainee 
* 公司客户经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 corporate accounts manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 企业银行业务中心经理 corporate banking centre manager 
* 企业信托服务部经理 corporate trust services manager 
* 信用卡和帐户经理 credit and accounts manager 
* 信贷和收集部门经理 credit and collection department manager 
* 信贷及收款经理 credit and collection manager 
* 信贷审批和市场开发部经理 credit approval and market development manager 
* 信贷区域统筹 credit area co-ordinator 
* 信用卡中心经理 credit card centre manager 
* 信用卡公司的业务经理 credit card company operations manager 
* 信贷经理 credit manager 
* 信用社经理 credit union manager 
* 金融服务经理 financial services manager 
* 国际银行经理 international banking manager 
* 投资经理 - 银行或信托公司 investment manager – bank or trust company 
* 投资经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 investment manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 贷款和信贷经理 - 银行或信托公司 loan and credit manager – banking or trust company 
* 贷款经理 loans manager 
* 贷款见习经理 loans manager trainee 
* 见习管理,消费信贷 management trainee, consumer credit 
* 见习经理,消费信贷服务 manager trainee, consumer credit services 
* 银行经理, manager, bank 
* 经理,银行业务 manager, banking operations 
* 回收中心经理, manager, collection centre 
* 经理,企业账户 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, corporate accounts – banking, credit and investment 
* 经理,企业银行中心 manager, corporate banking centre 
* 经理,企业服务 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, corporate services – banking, credit and investment 
* 经理,公司信托服务 manager, corporate trust services 
* 经理,信贷及收款 manager, credit and collection 
* 经理,信用卡中心 manager, credit card centre 
* 经理,信用社 manager, credit union 
* 国际银行经理, manager, international banking 
* 经理,贷款 manager, loans 
* 经理,按揭 manager, mortgages 
* 经理,业务 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, operations – banking, credit and investment 
* 经理,个人服务 - 银行,信贷和投资 manager, personal services – banking, credit and investment 
* 经理,个人信托 manager, personal trust 
* 经理,信托公司 manager, trust company 
* 抵押贷款和消费信贷部经理 mortgage and consumer credit manager 
* 按揭经理 mortgage manager 
* 业务经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 operations manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 业务经理,信用卡公司 operations manager, credit card company 
* 个人信托经理 personal trust manager 
* 区域银行经理 regional bank manager 
* 区域收集经理 regional collection manager 
* 区域信用经理 regional credit manager 
* 区域经理,银行 regional manager, bank 
* 高级客户经理 - 银行,信贷和投资 senior accounts manager – banking, credit and investment 
* 高级经理,个人理财服务 senior manager, personal financial services 
* 信托公司分公司经理 trust company branch manager 
* 信托公司投资经理 trust company investment manager 
* 信托公司经理 trust company manager
