加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理

40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理

发布时间:2020-07-22 复查时间: 2025-03-24 2796

40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the programs and activities of social service and community agencies, correctional institutions, counselling departments, labour organizations, professional associations, political parties and non-governmental organizations. 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 管理员,儿童福利服务 administrator, child welfare services 
* 区域经理,家庭服务 area manager, family services 
* 协会理事长 association director 
* 儿童援助协会主任 children's aid society director 
* 惩教机构董事 correctional institution director 
* 拘留中心主任 detention centre director 
* 社区中心主任, director, community centre 
* 董事,矫正治疗和培训 director, correctional treatment and training 
* 环保团体董事 environmental group director 
* 收入维持总监 income maintenance director 
* 劳动组织管理 labour organization manager 
* 会员服务经理 membership services manager 
* 政治组织经理 political organization manager 
* 监狱长 prison warden 
* 区域管理员,社会服务 regional administrator, social services 
* 社会救助主任 social assistance director 
* 社会工作主任 social work director 
* 行业协会经理 trade association manager 
* 志愿服务主管 volunteer services director 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Managers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指导,控制和评估社会和社区服务项目,如收入维持,儿童急救和紧急住房服务交付 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the delivery of social and community service programs such as income maintenance, children's aid and emergency housing services 

* 管理社会和社区中心,惩教设施和拘留中心的业务和活动 
Manage the operations and activities of social and community centres, correctional facilities and detention centres 

* 管理涉及社会问题,如医疗,人权,保护消费者权益,国际发展和环境保护的非政府组织的各项程序 
Administer the programs of non-governmental organizations involved with social issues such as health care, human rights, consumer protection, international development and environmental protection 

* 管理成员组织,如政党,工会组织,企业和专业协会的各项程序 
Administer programs of membership organizations such as political parties, labour organizations, business and professional associations 

* 建立行政程序,以满足由董事会或高级管理人员设定的目标 
Establish administrative procedures to meet objectives set by board of directors or senior management 

* 对那些向广大市民和组织或协会的会员提供服务和方案的专业和非专业的工作人员进行指导和给予建议 
Direct and advise professional and non-professional staff delivering services and programs to the general public and to the organization or association membership 

* 规划,管理和控制方案,设备和支持服务的预算 
Plan, administer and control budgets for programs, equipment and support services 

* 代表各自组织来满足政府关系和媒体关系的目的 
Represent their respective organizations for the purpose of government liaison and media relations 

* 为管理委员会和工作组的准备报告和简报,从而参与政策制定 
Participate in policy development by preparing reports and briefs for management committees and working groups 

* 聘请专业和非专业的工作人员,并提供培训服务。 
Hire and provide training for professional and non-professional staff. 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 社会,社区和惩教服务的经理通常要具备社会科学或行政纪律专业的硕士学位 
Managers in social, community and correctional services usually require a master's degree in a social science or administrative discipline 

* 以及在相关的职业,如社区和社会服务工作者,社会或卫生政策研究员,顾问或项目官员,缓刑或假释人员或社会工作者,几年的工作经验。 
Several years of experience in a related occupation, such as a community and social service worker, social or health policy researcher, consultant or program officer, probation or parole officer, or social worker. 

* 行业或行业协会和会员组织经理需要具有相关职业的丰富的经验。 
Managers of associations and membership organizations require extensive experience in a related occupation, trade or industry. 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能晋升为提供额外培训和经验的社会,社区和惩教服务的高级管理职位。 
Progression to senior management positions in social, community and correctional services is possible with additional training and experience. 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 政府经营者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration [0411](0411) 
* 高级管理人员 - 卫生,教育,社会和社区服务及会员组织 Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations [0014](0014) 

## 40030 社会,社区和惩教服务经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 原住民中心经理 Aboriginal centre manager 
* 管理员商会 administrator, Chamber of Commerce 
* 管理员,儿童福利服务 administrator, child welfare services 
* 区主任,社会服务 area director, social services 
* 区域经理,家庭服务 area manager, family services 
* 协会理事长 association director 
* 协会经理 association manager 
* 双边关系经理 - 社会服务 bilateral relations manager – social services 
* 商会商会管理员 Chamber of Commerce administrator 
* 行政办事员,下议院 chief clerk, House of Commons 
* 儿童福利服务管理员 child welfare services administrator 
* 幼儿中心管理员 child-care centre administrator 
* 儿童援助协会主任 children's aid society director 
* 社区艺术统筹 community arts co-ordinator 
* 社区中心主任 community centre director 
* 社区中心经理 community centre manager 
* 社区计划主管 community programs director 
* 社区服务总监 community services director 
* 消费者信息部主任 consumer information director 
* 惩教机构董事 correctional institution director 
* 惩教康复学会理事 correctional rehabilitation society director 
* 教署署长 correctional services director 
* 惩治疗和训练总监 correctional treatment and training director 
* 咨询服务主管 counselling services director 
* 咨询服务经理 counselling services manager 
* 行政部门,社会服务 department chief, social services 
* 主管部门,社会福利机构 department director, welfare organization 
* 社会服务部门的负责人, department head, social services 
* 拘留中心主任 detention centre director 
* 总干事,教师协会 director general, teachers' association 
* 辅导主任 director of counselling 
* 指导服务总监 director of guidance services 
* 运营总监 - 房屋署 director of operations – housing department 
* 公益总监 director of public welfare 
* 董事,儿童援助协会 director, children's aid society 
* 社区中心主任, director, community centre 
* 董事,社区计划 director, community programs 
* 董事,社区服务 director, community services 
* 董事,消费者信息 director, consumer information 
* 董事,矫正康复社会 director, correctional rehabilitation society 
* 董事,惩教服务 director, correctional services 
* 董事,矫正治疗和培训 director, correctional treatment and training 
* 董事,咨询服务 director, counselling services 
* 主任,拘留中心 director, detention centre 
* 董事,家族资源 director, family resources 
* 董事,心理服务 director, psychological services 
* 董事,宗教教育 director, religious education 
* 院长,社会工作 director, social work 
* 主任,退伍军人服务 director, veterans' services 
* 董事,志愿服务 director, volunteer services 
* 董事,福利机构 director, welfare organization 
* 董事,青少年罪犯服务 director, young offender services 
* 区主任,社会服务 district director, social services 
* 环保团体董事 environmental group director 
* 家庭资源总监 family resources director 
* 家庭服务区域经理 family services area manager 
* 组主管 group home manager 
* 教导主任 guidance director 
* 指导服务总监 guidance services director 
* 中途之家经理 halfway house manager 
* 家政服务总监 - 社会服务 homemaker services director – social services 
* 众议院下议院首席业务员 House of Commons chief clerk 
* 收入维持总监 income maintenance director 
* 国际项目总监 - 合作 international program director – cooperative 
* 劳动组织管理 labour organization manager 
* 议会业务员 legislative assembly clerk 
* 当地经理,社会服务 local manager, social services 
* 大型社区项目统筹 major community projects co-ordinator 
* 经理,结社 manager, association 
* 经理,社区中心 manager, community centre 
* 经理,咨询服务 manager, counselling services 
* 经理,集团首页 manager, group home 
* 经理,中途之家 manager, halfway house 
* 经理,劳动组织 manager, labour organization 
* 经理,制造商协会 manager, manufacturers' association 
* 经理,宿舍 manager, men's hostel 
* 经理,原住民中心 manager, Native centre 
* 经理,NGO(非政府组织) manager, NGO (non-governmental organization) 
* 经理,非政府组织(NGO) manager, non-governmental organization (NGO) 
* 经理,职业康复单位 manager, vocational rehabilitation unit 
* 经理,妇女中心 manager, women's centre 
* 制造商协会经理 manufacturers' association manager 
* 会员服务经理 membership services manager 
* 男子的宿舍管理员 men's hostel manager 
* 本地中心经理 Native centre manager 
* NGO(非政府组织)经理 NGO (non-governmental organization) manager 
* 非政府组织(NGO)经理 non-governmental organization (NGO) manager 
* 政治组织经理 political organization manager 
* 监狱长 prison warden 
* 省级统筹,社会服务 provincial co-ordinator, social services 
* 心理服务总监 psychological services director 
* 公益总监 public welfare director 
* 区域管理员,社会服务 regional administrator, social services 
* 区域惩教管理员 regional correctional administrator 
* 康复住宅服务主管 rehabilitation residential services director 
* 宗教教育总监 religious education director 
* 社会救助主任 social assistance director 
* 社会服务部总经理 social service general manager 
* 社会服务区主任 social services area director 
* 社会服务中心管理员 social services centre administrator 
* 社会服务中心主任 social services centre director 
* 社会服务中心经理 social services centre manager 
* 社会服务部门首席 social services department chief 
* 社会服务部门主管 social services department head 
* 社会服务总监 social services director 
* 社会服务区主任 social services district director 
* 社会服务的当地经理 social services local manager 
* 社会服务部经理 social services manager 
* 省级统筹的社会服务 social services provincial co-ordinator 
* 社会服务区域管理员 social services regional administrator 
* 社会工作主任 social work director 
* 教师协会总干事 teachers' association director general 
* 行业协会经理 trade association manager 
* 单位经理,职业康复 unit manager, vocational rehabilitation 
* 退伍军人服务总监 veterans' services director 
* 职业康复部经理 vocational rehabilitation unit manager 
* 志愿服务主管 volunteer services director 
* 福利经理 welfare manager 
* 福利机构部主任 welfare organization department director 
* 福利机构主任 welfare organization director 
* 福利机构经理 welfare organization manager 
* 妇女中心经理 women's centre manager 
* 青少年罪犯服务总监 young offender services director 
