80021 园艺经理 Managers in horticulture - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0
Managers in horticulture plan, organize, direct and control the activities of nursery and greenhouse staff who grow and market trees, shrubs, flowers and plants.
## 80021 园艺经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 圣诞树农场运营商 Christmas tree farm operator
* 花农 flower grower
* 温室经理 greenhouse manager
* 温室运营商 greenhouse operator
* 苗圃经理 nursery manager
* 苗圃运营商 nursery operator
* 植物种植者 - 苗圃 plant grower – nursery
## 80021 园艺经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
园艺经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Managers in horticulture perform some or all of the following duties:
* 计划,组织,指挥和控制苗圃和温室的经营
Plan, organize, direct and control the operations of nurseries and greenhouses
* 建立以种植乔木,灌木,花卉和植物所需的环境条件,相应地设计种植和护理计划
Establish the environmental conditions required to grow trees, shrubs, flowers and plants, and design planting and care schedules accordingly
* 确定要种植树木的种类和数量
Determine type and quantity of stock to grow
* 监督种植,移栽,喂养和喷洒树干的人员
Supervise staff in planting, transplanting, feeding and spraying stock
* 识别和控制昆虫,疾病和杂草问题
Identify and control insect, disease and weed problems
* 制定营销计划
Develop marketing plans
* 给客户提供有关园艺和树木,灌木,花卉,植物和草坪护理的信息
Provide information to customers on gardening and on the care of trees, shrubs, flowers, plants and lawns
* 订购材料,如化肥,花园和草坪护理设备,以及其他苗圃和温室相关配件
Order materials such as fertilizer, garden and lawn care equipment, and other nursery and greenhouse related accessories
* 聘用和管理人员,监督培训,并设置工作时间表
Hire and manage staff, oversee training and set work schedules
* 保持树干,财务和人员的记录。
Maintain records on stock, finances and personnel.
## 80021 园艺经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 通常需要完成大学园艺项目。
Completion of a college program in horticulture is usually required.
* 必需具有苗圃或温室主管的经验
Experience as a nursery or greenhouse supervisor is required.
## 80021 园艺经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC
* 苗圃和温室工人 Nursery and greenhouse workers [8432](8432)
* 草地农民(农业经理)Turf farmer (in [0821](0821) Managers in agriculture )
## 80021 园艺经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 圣诞树农场运营商 Christmas tree farm operator
* 常绿树种植户 evergreen grower
* 花农 flower grower
* 温室经理 greenhouse manager
* 温室运营商 greenhouse operator
* 种植者,常青树 grower, evergreens
* 种植者,花 grower, flower
* 种植者,温室里的花朵 grower, hothouse flowers
* 种植者,植物 - 苗圃 grower, plants – nursery
* 种植者,玫瑰 grower, roses
* 种植者,灌木 grower, shrubs
* 种植者,树木 - 苗圃 grower, trees – nursery
* 园艺温室运营商 horticultural greenhouse operator
* 温室花农 hothouse flower grower
* 水培温室运营商 hydroponic greenhouse operator
* 水培种植大户 hydroponics grower
* 水培运营商 hydroponics operator
* 经理,温室 manager, greenhouse
* 经理,苗圃 manager, nursery
* 苗圃经理 nursery manager
* 苗圃运营商 nursery operator
* 种苗工/男/女 nurseryman/woman
* 运营商,温室 operator, greenhouse
* 运营商,园艺温室 operator, horticultural greenhouse
* 运营商,水培温室 operator, hydroponic greenhouse
* 运营商,托儿所 operator, nursery
* 运营商,苗圃; operator, tree nursery
* 植物种植者 - 苗圃 plant grower – nursery
* 玫瑰种植者 rose grower
* 树势灌木种植者 shrub grower
* 树种植者 - 苗圃 tree grower – nursery
* 苗圃经营者 tree nursery operator