加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 12011 主管,金融保险业

12011 主管,金融保险业

发布时间:2020-07-23 复查时间: 2025-03-24 2660

12011 主管,金融保险业 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Accounting and Related Clerks [1431](1431), Payroll Clerks [1432](1432), Banking, Insurance and Other Financial Clerks [1434](1434) and Collectors [1435](1435). They are employed by banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, and by other establishments throughout the private and public sectors. 

## 12011 主管,金融保险业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 应付账款主管 accounts payable supervisor 
* 应收账款主管 accounts receivable supervisor 
* 银行职员主管 bank clerks supervisor 
* 计费主管 billing supervisor 
* 簿记主管 bookkeeping supervisor 
* 收集主管 collection supervisor 
* 信贷主管 credit supervisor 
* 工资主管 payroll supervisor 
* 会计主管 supervisor of accounting 
* 主管,核赔 supervisor, claims adjusters 

## 12011 主管,金融保险业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 实现高效的工作流程和协调员,分配和审查从事下列职责的文员的工作:管理应付帐款和应收帐款;处理,核实和记录财务文件及表格;就业管理;处理,保险理赔和形式的核实及记录和收集用户对逾期账目的费用及付款 
Implement efficient working processes and co-ordinate, assign and review the work of clerks engaged in the following duties: administering accounts payable and receivable; processing, verifying and recording financial documents and forms; administering payrolls; processing, verifying and recording insurance claims and forms; and collecting user fees and payments on overdue accounts 

* 检查和核实工作的准确性和授权常规的付款,信贷及其他交易 
Examine and verify accuracy of work and authorize routine payments, credits and other transactions 

* 建立工作时间表和程序,并协调与其他工作单位或部门的活动 
Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work units or 

* 解决工作相关的问题,并准备和提交进度报告及其他报告 
Resolve work-related problems and prepare and submit progress and other reports 

* 确定培训需求,培训工作人员工作职责和公司政策 
Identify training needs and train workers in job duties and company policies 

* 征用物资和材料 
Requisition supplies and materials 

* 保证计算机系统和设备顺利进行,安排维护和修理工作 
Ensure smooth operation of computer systems and equipment and arrange for maintenance and repair work 

* 可以执行与被监督工人相同的工作。 
May perform the same duties as workers supervised. 

## 12011 主管,金融保险业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成簿记,会计或相关科目的大学项目或课程。 
Completion of a college program or courses in bookkeeping, accounting or a related subject is required. 

* 必需具备受领导的文职工作经验。 
Experience in the clerical occupation supervised is required. 

## 12011 主管,金融保险业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 客户和信息服务,主管 Customer and information services supervisors [6314](6314) 
* 财务经理 Financial managers [0111](0111) 
* 其他财务人员(Other financial officers [1114](1114) 

## 12011 主管,金融保险业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 会计文员主管 accounting clerks supervisor 
* 会计科长 accounting section head 
* 会计主管 accounting supervisor 
* 应付帐款分析师 accounts payable analyst 
* 应付账款主管 accounts payable supervisor 
* 应收账款主管 accounts receivable supervisor 
* 评估员主管 assessment clerks supervisor 
* 助理会计师 assistant accountant 
* 银行助理会计师 assistant bank accountant 
* 金融机构助理会计师 - 金融服务 assistant financial institution accountant – financial services 
* 银行职员主管 bank clerks supervisor 
* 计费协调员 billing co-ordinator 
* 计费主管 billing supervisor 
* 计费单位领导 billing unit head 
* 簿记及会计文员主管 bookkeepers and accounting clerks supervisor 
* 簿记主管 bookkeeping supervisor 
* 预算主管 budget supervisor 
* 现金收据主管 cash receipts supervisor 
* 核赔主管 claims adjusters supervisor 
* 理赔服务主管 claims service supervisor 
* 文员主管 - 银行或金融机构 clerks supervisor – bank or financial institution 
* 收集员主管 collection clerks supervisor 
* 收集主管 collection supervisor 
* 成本主管 cost supervisor 
* 信贷和收集主管 credit and collection supervisor 
* 信贷办事员主管 credit clerks supervisor 
* 信贷服务组组长 credit service group leader 
* 信贷主管 credit supervisor 
* 报关文员主管 customs brokerage clerks supervisor 
* 财务会计主管 financial accounting supervisor >* 财务控制主管 financial control supervisor 
* 领导,会计部门 head, accounting section 
* 领导,计费单元 head, billing unit 
* 商品文员主管 merchandise clerks supervisor 
* 薪酬和福利主管 pay and benefits supervisor 
* 主计官 paymaster 
* 支付处理单元主管 payment processing unit supervisor 
* 工资主管 payroll supervisor 
* 零用现金主管 petty cash supervisor 
* 销售主管 sales records supervisor 
* 会计主管 supervisor of accounting 
* 主管,会计文员 supervisor, accounting clerks 
* 主管,评估员 supervisor, assessment clerks 
* 主管,银行职员 supervisor, bank clerks 
* 主管,计费 supervisor, billing 
* 主管,簿记员和会计员 supervisor, bookkeepers and accounting clerks 
* 主管,核赔 supervisor, claims adjusters 
* 主管,收集办事员; supervisor, collection clerks 
* 主管,信贷办事员 supervisor, credit clerks 
* 主管,报关文员 supervisor, customs brokerage clerks 
* 主管,财务会计 supervisor, financial accounting 
* 主管,商品办事员 supervisor, merchandise clerks 
* 主管,支付处理单元 supervisor, payment processing unit 
* 主管,工资 supervisor, payroll 
* 主管,工资办事员 supervisor, payroll clerks 
* 制表主管 tabulating supervisor 
* 制表主管 tabulation supervisor 
* 制表导师 tabulators supervisor 
* 收费站主管 tollgate supervisor 
