加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师

21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师

发布时间:2020-07-23 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1823

21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


Mathematicians and statisticians research mathematical or statistical theories, and develop and apply mathematical or statistical techniques for solving problems in such fields as science, engineering, business and social science. Actuaries apply mathematics, statistics, probability and risk theory to assess potential financial impacts of future events. Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries are employed by universities, governments, bank and trust companies, insurance companies, pension benefit consulting firms, professional associations, and science and engineering consulting firms. 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 精算师 actuary 
* 生物统计学家 biostatistician 
* 顾问精算师 consulting actuary 
* 人口统计学 demographer 
* 保险精算师 insurance actuary 
* 数学家 mathematician 
* 统计分析师 statistical analyst 
* 统计学家 statistician 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

* 数学家,统计学家和精算师执行部分或全部下列职责:Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 数学家进行研究,以扩展数学的传统领域的知识,如代数,几何,概率和逻辑数学,应用数学知识解决科学领域的问题,如物理科学,工程,计算机科学或其他领域,如运筹学研究,商务或管理。 
Mathematicians conduct research to extend mathematical knowledge in traditional areas of mathematics such as algebra, geometry, probability and logic and apply mathematical techniques to the solution of problems in scientific fields such as physical science, engineering, computer science or other fields such as operations research, business or management. 

* 统计人员进行统计科学的数学基础研究,开发统计方法,针对统计方法的实际应用提出建议。他们也应用统计理论和方法在科学和其他领域提供信息,如生物和农业科学,商业和经济学,物理科学与工程,科学和社会科学。 
Statisticians conduct research into the mathematical basis of the science of statistics, develop statistical methodology and advise on the practical application of statistical methodology. They also apply statistical theory and methods to provide information in scientific and other fields such as biological and agricultural science, business and economics, physical sciences and engineering, and the social sciences. 

* 精算师运用数学模型来预测和计算未来可能发生的保险费用和养老金福利。他们设计寿命,健康和财产保险的政策,并计算保费,保险政策,养老金和退休金计划的供款及福利。他们可以协助投资基金经理投资组合的资产配置决策和风险管理。他们还利用这些技术来对未来盈利的价值提供法律证据。 
Actuaries apply mathematical models to forecast and calculate the probable future costs of insurance and pension benefits. They design life, health, and property insurance policies, and calculate premiums, contributions and benefits for insurance policies, and pension and superannuation plans. They may assist investment fund managers in portfolio asset allocation decisions and risk management. They also use these techniques to provide legal evidence on the value of future earnings. 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 数学家和统计学家通常要求取得数学或统计学研究生学位。 
Mathematicians and statisticians usually require a graduate degree in mathematics or statistics. 

* 精算师通常需要精算科学,数学,统计学,经济学,电子商务或工商管理大专教育。 
Actuaries usually require post-secondary education in actuarial science, mathematics, statistics, economics, commerce or business administration. 

* 精算师通过专业考试后获得加拿大精算师学会授予的奖学金。 
Actuaries are conferred fellowships through the Canadian Institute of Actuaries upon successful completion of professional examinations 

* 并且要求在精算领域作为精算助理或相关位置三年的工作经验 
Three years of work experience in the actuarial field as an actuarial assistant or in a related position. 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验的积累,精算师们可能晋升到咨询,保险和金融管理职位。他们也可能成为自雇人士。 
With experience, actuaries may progress to managerial positions in consulting, insurance and finance. They may also be self-employed. 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 财务及投资分析员 Financial and investment analysts [1112](1112) 
* 财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants [1111](1111) 
* 财务经理 Financial managers [0111](0111) 
* 保险,房地产和金融的经纪经理 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers [0121](0121) 
* 其他财务人员 Other financial officers [1114](1114) 
* 统计官员和相关的研究支持职业 Statistical officers and related research support occupations [1254](1254) 

## 21210 数学家,统计学家和精算师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 精算分析师 actuarial analyst 
* 精算助理 actuarial assistant 
* 精算师 actuary 
* 分析主管 - 统计 analysis supervisor – statistics 
* 应用数学家 applied mathematician 
* 应用统计学家 applied statistician 
* 准精算师 associate actuary 
* 生物和农业科学统计学家 biological and agricultural science statistician 
* 生物统计学家 biometrician 
* 生物统计学家 biostatistician 
* 商业和经济统计学家 business and economics statistician 
* 险精算师 casualty actuary 
* 化学统计学家 chemistry statistician 
* 密码专家 cipher expert 
* 顾问精算师 consulting actuary 
* 咨询养老保险精算师 consulting pension actuary 
* 密码分析 cryptanalyst 
* cryptoanalyst cryptoanalyst 
* 密码员 cryptographer 
* 人口统计学 demographer 
* 教育统计学家 education statistician 
* 环境流行病学 environmental epidemiologist 
* 流行病学专家(医生和兽医除外) epidemiologist (except physician and veterinarian) 
* 金融统计学家 financial statistician 
* 工业统计学家 industrial statistician 
* 保险精算师 insurance actuary 
* 寿险精算师 life actuary 
* 数学统计学家 mathematical statistician 
* 数学家 mathematician 
* 数学家研究 mathematician, research 
* 医疗统计学家 medical statistician 
* 统计方法论 methodologist, statistical 
* 运营研究分析师 operations research analyst 
* 操作研究员 operations researcher 
* 民意调查统计学家 opinion polling statistician 
* 物理科学与工程统计学家 physical science and engineering statistician 
* 公共卫生统计学家 public health statistician 
* 研究数学家 research mathematician 
* 销售统计员 sales statistician 
* 高级精算分析师 senior actuarial analyst 
* 社会科学统计学家 social science statistician 
* 统计分析主管 statistical analysis supervisor 
* 统计分析师 statistical analyst 
* 统计顾问 statistical consultant 
* 统计方法论 statistical methodologist 
* 统计学家 statistician 
* 调查统计员 survey statistician 
* 重要的统计学家 vital statistician  
