加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师

32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师

发布时间:2020-07-27 复查时间: 2025-03-03 1335

32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Respiratory therapists assist physicians in the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with respiratory and cardiopulmonary disorders. Clinical perfusionists provide technical support to patients undergoing cardiac surgery and patients requiring cardio-respiratory support. Cardiopulmonary technologists assist physicians in the technical aspects of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. Respiratory therapists are employed in hospitals, extended care facilities, public health centres and respiratory home care companies. Clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists are primarily employed in hospitals. Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists who are supervisors or instructors are included in this unit group. 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 心肺技师 cardiopulmonary technologist 
* 心血管灌注主管的 cardiovascular perfusion supervisor 
* 心血管灌注 cardiovascular perfusionist 
* 临床灌注认证(CCP) certified clinical perfusionist (CCP) 
* 首席呼吸技师 chief respiratory technologist 
* 首席,呼吸治疗 chief, respiratory therapy 
* 临床灌注 clinical perfusionist 
* 灌注 perfusionist 
* 注册呼吸治疗师(RRT) registered respiratory therapist (RRT) 
* 呼吸治疗师 respiratory therapist 
* 呼吸治疗临床讲师 respiratory therapy clinical instructor 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 呼吸治疗师 Respiratory therapists 主要职责 - Immiknow NOC 

* 进行如动脉血气分析和心肺功能测试等诊断学测 
Perform diagnostic tests, such as arterial blood gas analysis and cardiopulmonary functions tests 

* 实施并监督呼吸设备以便进行氧气、氧气空气混合物、加湿后的空气或药物治疗等 
Operate and monitor respiratory equipment to administer treatments such as oxygen, oxygen-air mixtures, humidified air or medications 

* 实施、监督、监督并测试多种诊断和治疗设备; 
Operate, monitor, maintain and test a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment 

* 评估病情并介入气管维护、线插入、导入和插管等; 
Assess patients and perform or assist with interventions such as airway maintenance, line insertions, inductions and intubations 

* 进行人工呼吸急救和胸外心脏按摩; 
Perform artificial respiration and external cardiac massage 

* 协助高危患者的转送; 
Assist with transport of high-risk patients 

* 监督并培训学生和其他呼吸治疗师; 
Supervise and train students and other respiratory therapists 

* 参与慢性呼吸系统疾病患者家庭护理项目,并提供病人和家庭教育; 
Participate in home care programs for chronic respiratory patients and provide patient and family education 

* 参与心肺障碍相关的研究。 
Participate in research related to cardiac and pulmonary disorders. 

### 临床灌注师主要职责 Clinical perfusionists - Immiknow NOC 

* 收集、维护并操作体外循环设备、主动脉内气囊泵和其他心脏辅助装置以便在开颅手术总支持并暂时取代患者的心肺功能; 
Assemble, maintain and operate extracorporeal circulation equipment, intra-aortic balloon pumps and other heart assist devices to support or temporarily replace patients' cardiopulmonary functions during open-heart surgery 

* 通过人工心肺机和其他设备来管理血液制品、药物和其他物质以便维持所有器官充足的氧气血液活动;Administer blood products, drugs and other substances through heart-lung machines and other devices as directed by cardiac surgeons and anaesthetists to maintain adequate flow of oxygenated blood to all organs of the body 

* 监视生命特征来支持并维持患者在心肺手术中的生理功能和新陈代谢需求; 
Monitor vital signs to support and maintain patients' physiological functions and metabolic needs during cardiopulmonary surgery 

* 参与所有灌注有关设备的日常维护、校准和检查; 
Participate in routine maintenance, calibration and inspection of all perfusion related equipment 

* 监督并培训临床职业治疗学徒和临床职业治疗专家。 
Supervise and train student clinical perfusionists and other clinical perfusionists. 

### 心肺技师主要职责 Cardiopulmonary technologists - Immiknow NOC 

* 进行肺技能及哮喘等诊断测试,或协助内科医生进行心肺压力测试和支气管镜检; 
Perform diagnostic tests, such as pulmonary function and asthma stress, or assist physicians with cardiac and cardiopulmonary stress tests and bronchoscopies 

* 确定患者的血液特征,如火星凝血时间和氧饱和度; 
Determine patients' blood characteristics such as activated clotting time and oxygen saturation 

* 操作、监督、维护、校准并测试诊断及治疗设备; 
Operate, monitor, maintain, calibrate and test diagnostic and therapeutic equipment 

* 监测患者并就病情变化对内科医师提出建议; 
Monitor patients and advise physician of any changes in patients' condition 

* 在心脏病学家的监督夏准备药物并管理吸入器和其他处理; 
Prepare medications and administer inhaler and other treatments under supervision of cardiologist 

* 在测试中为患者提供系统和护理; 
Provide information and care for patients during tests 

* 在导管插入术中协助准备心导管室和专门导尿管并协助心脏专家; 
Assist with the preparation of cardiac catheterization room, prepare specialized catheters and assist cardiologists during catheterization 

* 分析、设计并监视起搏器和除颤器等手术植入设备; 
Perform analysis, programming and monitoring of implanted devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators during surgery 

* 监督并培训学生和心肺技术人员; 
Supervise and train students and other cardiopulmonary technologists 

* 为研究提供技术支持。 
Provide technical support for research. 

* 呼吸治疗师主要侧重麻醉,重症监护,儿科,心肺诊断和呼吸道家庭护理等领域。 
Respiratory therapists may specialize in areas such as anaesthesia, critical care, pediatrics, cardiopulmonary diagnostics and respiratory home care. 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC

* 呼吸治疗师需要完成在呼吸治疗包括临床培训方面的3大专、医院或者大学学位 
Respiratory therapists require the completion of a three-year college, hospital or university degree program in respiratory therapy, including clinical training. 

* 魁北克省,安大略省,马尼托巴省和阿尔伯塔省需要呼吸治疗执照; 
Licensing is required for respiratory therapists in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta. 

* 临床灌注需要呼吸疗法和注册护士等的最少一年工作经验或者临床灌注包括临床培训等方面的专科或者大学课程; 
Clinical perfusionists require the completion of a respiratory therapy or registered nursing program with a minimum of one year of work experience as a respiratory therapist or registered nurse and Completion of a college or university program in clinical perfusion, including clinical training. 

* 临床灌注需要加拿大临床灌注协会的认证 
Certification with the Canadian Society of Clinical Perfusion is required for clinical perfusionists. 

* 心肺技师需要如呼吸治疗等专职医疗学科的2年专科毕业证、护理证书或者相关学科的大学学位,以及通过完成在职临床培训达到心血管技术和肺部技术临床培训方面的大专水平 
Cardiopulmonary technologists require a two-year college diploma in an allied health discipline such as respiratory therapy, nursing diploma, or a university degree in a related science and Completion of a college post-diploma program in cardiovascular technology and additional training in pulmonary technology through courses or supervised on-the-job clinical training. 

* 需要加拿大心肺技术协会的认证 
Registration with the Canadian Association of Cardio-pulmonary Technologists (CACPT) may be required. 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 在这一职业中负责监督和指导等的人员需要在分别的领域中作为呼吸治疗师、临床灌注和心肺技师的工作经验 
Supervisory and instructor positions in this unit group require experience in their respective fields as a respiratory therapist, clinical perfusionist or cardiopulmonary technologist. 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 其他医疗技师和技术员 Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) ([3219](3219)) 
* 其他职业治疗和评估职业 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment ([3237](3237)) 

## 32103 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师职称头衔 Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 麻醉技师 anesthesia technologist 
* 心肺技师 cardiopulmonary technician 
* 心肺技师 cardiopulmonary technologist 
* 心血管灌注临床讲师 cardiovascular perfusion clinical instructor 
* 心血管灌注教练 cardiovascular perfusion instructor 
* 心血管灌注主管 cardiovascular perfusion supervisor 
* 心血管灌注技师 cardiovascular perfusion technologist 
* 心血管灌注 cardiovascular perfusionist 
* CCP(认证临床灌注) CCP (certified clinical perfusionist) 
* 临床灌注认证(CCP) certified clinical perfusionist (CCP) 
* 行政灌注 chief perfusionist 
* 首席呼吸技师 chief respiratory technologist 
* 首席呼吸治疗 chief, respiratory therapy 
* 心血管灌注临床讲师 clinical instructor, cardiovascular perfusion 
* 临床灌注临床讲师 clinical instructor, clinical perfusion 
* 呼吸治疗临床讲师, clinical instructor, respiratory therapy 
* 临床灌注临床讲师 clinical perfusion clinical instructor 
* 临床灌注主管 clinical perfusion supervisor 
* 临床灌注 clinical perfusionist 
* 体外循环技术专家 extracorporal circulation technologist 
* 体外循环技师 extracorporal technician 
* 体外循环技师 extracorporal technologist 
* 吸入技师 inhalation technologist 
* 心肺技术指导员 instructor, cardiopulmonary technology 
* 心血管灌注导师 instructor, cardiovascular perfusion 
* 氧疗技术员 oxygen therapy technician 
* 灌注技术专家 perfusion technologist 
* 灌注 perfusionist 
* 心血管灌注 perfusionist, cardiovascular 
* 多导睡眠技师 polysomnographic technologist 
* 肺功能技师 pulmonary function technologist 
* 注册呼吸保健医生 registered respiratory care practitioner 
* 注册呼吸治疗师(RRT) registered respiratory therapist (RRT) 
* 呼吸保健医生 respiratory care practitioner 
* 呼吸技师 respiratory technician 
* 呼吸技师 respiratory technologist 
* 呼吸治疗师 respiratory therapist 
* 呼吸疗法首席 respiratory therapy chief 
* 呼吸治疗临床讲师 respiratory therapy clinical instructor 
* 呼吸治疗监事 respiratory therapy supervisor 
* RRT(注册呼吸治疗师) RRT (registered respiratory therapist) 
* 心肺技术监事, supervisor, cardiopulmonary technology 
* 心血管灌注监事 supervisor, cardiovascular perfusion 
* 临床灌注监事 supervisor, clinical perfusion 
* 呼吸治疗监事 supervisor, respiratory therapy 
* 麻醉技术专家 technologist, anesthesia 
* 心血管灌注技师 technologist, cardiovascular perfusion 
* 体外循环技师 technologist, extracorporal circulation 
* 吸入技师 technologist, inhalation 
* 灌注技师 technologist, perfusion 
* 肺功能技师 technologist, pulmonary function 
* 呼吸技师 technologist, respiratory 
* 呼吸治疗师 therapist, respiratory  
