加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业

33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业

发布时间:2020-07-27 复查时间: 2025-03-31 1358

33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业 Other assisting occupations in support of health services- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C


This unit group includes workers who provide services and assistance to health care professionals and other health care staff. They are employed in hospitals, medical clinics, offices of health care professionals, nursing homes, optical retail stores and laboratories, pharmacies and medical pathology laboratories. 

## 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业头衔范例 Example Titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 尸检助理 autopsy assistant 
* 献血者临床助理 blood donor clinic assistant 
* 铸造室技术员 cast room technician 
* 整脊助理 chiropractic assistant 
* 临床实验室帮手 clinical laboratory helper 
* 镜头磨制工人,眼科 lens grinder, ophthalmic 
* 停尸房服务员 morgue attendant 
* 眼科实验室技术员 - 零售 ophthalmic laboratory technician – retail 
* 光学实验室助理 optical laboratory assistant 
* 验光师助理 optometrist assistant 
* 矫形技师 orthopedic technologist 
* 康复助理 rehabilitation assistant 
* 无菌加工技术人员 sterile processing technician 
* 治疗师助理 - 医疗 therapist assistant – medical 

## 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业主要职责 Main duties- Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组某些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

Orthopedic technologists assist orthopedic surgeons in the treatment of orthopedic diseases and injuries by applying and adjusting casts, splints, bandages and other orthopedic devices; assisting in the application, maintenance and adjustment of traction equipment; cleaning and dressing wounds; and removing casts, sutures, staples and pins. They also instruct patients and their families and other health care professionals with respect to orthopedic matters. 

Rehabilitation assistants prepare and maintain equipment and supplies; assist in activities for the rehabilitation of patients as directed by health care professionals and may perform routine office functions. 

Optical/ophthalmic laboratory technicians and assistants operate laboratory equipment to grind, cut, polish and edge lenses for eyeglasses according to prescriptions received and fit lenses into frames; make minor repairs for customers such as replacing frame screws or straightening frames; and maintain and repair optical laboratory equipment or machinery. 

Pharmacy aides help pharmacists and other pharmacy staff with packaging and labelling of pharmaceutical products and may help in maintaining prescription records and inventories of medications and pharmaceutical products. 

Sterile processing technicians operate and maintain sterilization equipment such as instrument washers, sonic sinks, cart washers and steam autoclaves to clean and disinfect trays, carts, linens, supplies, instrumentation and equipment for re-use according to standardized safety practices. They reassemble equipment and assemble packs of sterile supplies and instruments for delivery to hospital departments. 

Blood donor clinic assistants set up and dismantle equipment; prepare and maintain cleanliness of collection areas; maintain supplies; record information on donors; monitor donors throughout procedure and assist with post-donation care and donor reaction care as assigned under supervision of a registered nurse; and label and process donated blood. 

Morgue attendants assist pathologists at autopsies by laying out surgical instruments; preparing solutions for preservation of specimens; transferring bodies from morgue to examining table; removing organs and tissue specimens, as instructed by attending pathologist, and placing them in preservative solutions; and cleaning and sewing up bodies for release to funeral home. 

## 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业任职要求 Employment requirements- Immiknow NOC 

Orthopedic technologists usually require completion of secondary school 

Several months of on-the-job training 

A college orthopedic technologist program. 

Registration with the Canadian Society of Orthopaedic Technologists is available and may be required by employers. 

Health care courses or short-term college programs related to the work of medical therapy assistants, such as recreational therapy programs, are available and may be required by employers. 

Pharmacy aides require completion of secondary school 

Several months of on-the-job training. 

Sterile processing technicians require completion of secondary school and A six- to nine-month sterile processing college program. 

Completion of secondary school and several months of on-the-job training are usually required for other assisting occupations in this unit group. 

## 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere- Immiknow NOC 

* 医疗技师和技术员(医疗技师和技术员的(除了牙齿健康)) Medical technologists and technicians (in [321](321) Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) ) 
* 手术室技师(持牌执业护士) Operating room technicians (in [3233](3233) Licensed practical nurses ) 
* 其他技术职业治疗和评估 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment [3237](3237) 
* 病理学家助理(医学实验室技术人员和病理学家助理) Pathologists' assistants (in [3212](3212) Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants ) 
* 药剂员(零售售货员) Pharmacy clerks (in [6421](6421) Retail salespersons ) 
* 药学技术人员(其他医疗技师和技术员(除了牙齿健康)) Pharmacy technicians (in [3219](3219) Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) ) 

## 33109 支持卫生服务的其他协助职业职称头衔 All titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 活动技术人员 - 健康支援服务 activationist – health support services 
* 活动统筹 - 健康支援服务 activities co-ordinator – health support services 
* 活动助手 - 健康支援服务 activity aide – health support services 
* 活动的领导者 - 老年人 activity leader – seniors 
* 工人活动 - 健康支援服务 activity worker – health support services 
* 针灸助理 acupuncture assistant 
* 针灸服务员 acupuncture attendant 
* 助理员 adjuvant 
* 助手,整脊 aide, chiropractic 
* 助手,职业治疗 aide, occupational therapy 
* 助手,制药 aide, pharmacy 
* 助手,供应,加工及分销 - 医疗 aide, supply, processing and distribution – medical 
* 抗反射(AR)涂层技术员,眼科用品 antireflection (AR) coating technician, ophthalmic goods 
* AR(抗反射)涂层技术员,眼科用品 AR (antireflection) coating technician, ophthalmic goods 
* 助理,针灸 assistant, acupuncture 
* 助理,尸体解剖 assistant, autopsies 
* 献血者诊所助理 assistant, blood donor clinic 
* 助理,脊椎健康 assistant, chiropractic health 
* 助理,诊所 - 医疗 assistant, clinic – medical 
* 助理,中草药 assistant, herbal medicine 
* 助理,骨科 assistant, orthopedic 
* 助理,植物疗法 assistant, phytotherapy 
* 服务员,采血 attendant, blood sampling 
* 服务员,骨折室 attendant, fracture room 
* 服务员,太平间 attendant, morgue 
* 服务员,物理治疗 attendant, physiotherapy 
* 服务员,石膏室 attendant, plaster room 
* 服务员,验尸报告 attendant, post-mortem 
* 尸检助理 autopsy assistant 
* 尸检服务员 autopsy attendant 
* 尸检技师 autopsy technician 
* 钳工,眼科用品 bench worker, ophthalmic goods 
* 献血者临床助理 blood donor clinic assistant 
* 献血者临床服务员的 blood donor clinic attendant 
* 血液捐助门诊帮手 blood donor clinic helper 
* 采血服务员 blood sampling attendant 
* 投影室技术员 cast room technician 
* 中央服务室工作人员 - 医院 central service room worker – hospital 
* 中央供应助手 central supply aide 
* 中央供应助手 - 医疗 central supply aide – medical 
* 中央工作室主管 - 医院 central supply room supervisor – hospital 
* 中心供应室的技术人员 - 医院 central supply room technician – hospital 
* 整脊助手 chiropractic aide 
* 整脊助理 chiropractic assistant 
* 整脊健康助理 chiropractic health assistant 
* 整脊办公室助理 chiropractic office assistant 
* 按摩师助手 chiropractor aide 
* 诊所助理 - 医疗 clinic assistant – medical 
* 临床实验室帮手 clinical laboratory helper 
* 配药助理 dispensary assistant 
* 配药助理,药店 dispensing assistant, drugstore 
* 药店配药助理 drugstore dispensing assistant 
* 药店侧客房服务员 drugstore side room attendant 
* 修边技工,眼科镜片 edge grinder, ophthalmic lenses 
* 急诊室服务员 emergency room attendant 
* 紧急进入服务员 - 医院 emergency-entry attendant – hospital 
* 骨折客房服务员 fracture room attendant 
* 磨床技工,眼科镜片 grinder, ophthalmic lenses 
* 健康助手 health aide 
* 帮手,献血者诊所 helper, blood donor clinic 
* 辅助治疗,职业治疗 helper, occupational therapy 
* 帮手,理疗 helper, physiotherapy 
* 中草药助理 herbal medicine assistant 
* 督察,光学器材 inspector, optical goods 
* 检查员,光学镜片 inspector, optical lenses 
* 仪器消毒人员 - 医疗 instrument sterilizer – medical 
* 实验室技术员,眼科 - 零售 laboratory technician, ophthalmic – retail 
* 实验室技术员,光 - 零售 laboratory technician, optical – retail 
* 镜头镀膜技术人员,眼科用品 lens coating technician, ophthalmic goods 
* 镜头切割技工,眼科商品 lens cutter, ophthalmic goods 
* 镜头磨床技工,眼科 lens grinder, ophthalmic 
* 透镜研磨抛光机工人 lens grinder-polisher setter 
* 镜头标记员 - 健康支援服务 lens marker – health support services 
* 镜头标记员 - 眼科 lens marker – ophthalmic 
* 镜头选择员,光学及眼科产品 lens picker, optical and ophthalmic goods 
* 镜头调色员,眼科用品 lens tinter, ophthalmic goods 
* 标记员,眼科镜片 marker, ophthalmic lenses 
* 机械师,光学实验室 - 零售 mechanic, optical lab – retail 
* 诊所助理 medical clinic assistant 
* 医疗器械消毒员 medical instrument sterilizer 
* 医用材料处理程序员 medical material handler 
* 停尸房服务员 morgue attendant 
* 太平间技术员 morgue technician 
* 职业治疗助手 occupational therapy aide 
* 职业治疗帮手 occupational therapy helper 
* 眼科商品钳工 ophthalmic goods bench worker 
* 眼科实验室技术员 - 零售 ophthalmic lab technician – retail 
* 眼科实验室技术员 - 零售 ophthalmic laboratory technician – retail 
* 镜片钳工 ophthalmic lens bench worker 
* 镜片切割工 ophthalmic lens cutter 
* 镜片边缘磨床工人 ophthalmic lens edge grinder 
* 眼科镜片研磨工人 ophthalmic lens grinder 
* 镜片研磨工和抛光工 ophthalmic lens grinder and polisher 
* 镜片研磨工,抛光工 安装员 ophthalmic lens grinder-polisher setter 
* 镜片督察 ophthalmic lens inspector 
* 镜片标记员 ophthalmic lens marker 
* 光学用品督察 optical goods inspector 
* 光学实验室技工 - 零售 optical lab mechanic – retail 
* 光学实验室助理 optical laboratory assistant 
* 光学实验室技术员 optical laboratory technician 
* 光学实验室技术员 - 零售 optical laboratory technician – retail 
* 光学镜片研磨工和抛光工 optical lens grinder and polisher 
* 光学镜头督察 optical lens inspector 
* 光学技工 optical mechanic 
* 光学技师 optical technician 
* 验光配镜技师 optometric technician 
* 验光师助理 optometrist assistant 
* 骨科助理 orthopedic assistant 
* 骨科医师助理 orthopedic physician assistant 
* 骨科主管 orthopedic supervisor 
* 矫形技师 orthopedic technician 
* 矫形技师 orthopedic technologist 
* 整形外科医师助手 orthopedist aide 
* 药店助手 pharmacy aide 
* 药店侧客房服务员 pharmacy side room attendant 
* 药房供应助理 pharmacy supply assistant 
* 物理疗法服务员 physical therapy attendant 
* 理疗助理 physiotherapy attendant 
* 理疗助手 physiotherapy helper 
* 植物疗法助理 phytotherapy assistant 
* 石膏室助手 plaster room aide 
* 石膏客房服务员 plaster room attendant 
* 抛光垫贴片工 polishing pad mounter 
* 尸检助理 post-mortem attendant 
* 放射学助手 radiology aide 
* 娱乐助手 - 健康服务 recreation aide – health services 
* 康乐治疗师助手 recreation therapist aide 
* 休闲治疗助理 recreation therapy assistant 
* 娱乐疗法助手 recreational therapy aide 
* 注册中央维修技师 - 医疗 registered central service technician – medical 
* 注册矫形技师 registered orthopedic technologist 
* 康复助手 rehabilitation aide 
* 康复助理 rehabilitation assistant 
* 高级辅助 senior adjuvant 
* 无菌加工技术人员 sterile processing technician 
* 无菌加工工人 sterile processing worker 
* 消毒供应室服务员 sterile supply room attendant 
* 杀菌服务员 sterilization attendant 
* 杀菌处理服务员 sterilization processing attendant 
* 主管,中心供应室 - 医院 supervisor, central supply room – hospital 
* 供应,加工和销售的助手 - 医疗 supply, processing and distribution aide – medical 
* 手术助手 surgical assistant 
* 手术助手 - 非护理 surgical assistant – non-nursing 
* 手术的技术人员 - 非护理 surgical technician – non-nursing 
* 技术员,尸检 technician, autopsy 
* 技术员,铸钢室 technician, cast room 
* 技术员,中心供应室 - 医院 technician, central supply room – hospital 
* 技术员,太平间 technician, morgue 
* 技术员,眼科商品抗反射(AR)涂层 technician, ophthalmic goods antireflection (AR) coating 
* 技术员,眼科实验室 - 零售 technician, ophthalmic lab – retail 
* 技术员,光学实验室 technician, optical laboratory 
* 技术员,光学实验室 - 零售 technician, optical laboratory – retail 
* 技术员,骨科 technician, orthopedic 
* 技术专家,骨科 technologist, orthopedic 
* 治疗师助理 - 医疗 therapist assistant – medical 
* 治疗助手 - 医疗 therapy aide – medical 
* 治疗助理 - 医疗 therapy assistant – medical  
