51111 作者和作家(技术除外)Authors and writers - Immiknow NOC- TEER 1
Authors and writers plan, research and write books, scripts, storyboards, plays, essays, speeches, manuals, specifications and other non-journalistic articles for publication or presentation. They are employed by advertising agencies, governments, large corporations, private consulting firms, publishing firms, multimedia/new-media companies and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 广告文案 advertising copywriter
* 文案 copywriter
* 散文家 essayist
* 互动媒体作家 interactive media writer
* 文学作家 literary writer
* 小说家 novelist
* 剧作家 playwright
* 诗人 poet
* 剧本作家 script writer
* 词作家 speech writer
* 作家 writer
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of the main duties of some occupations in this unit group:
### 小说家,剧作家,剧本作家,诗人和其他创作家 Novelists, playwrights, script writers, poets and other creative writers
* 构思和编写小说,剧本,脚本,诗歌和其他出版材料或演示
Conceive and write novels, plays, scripts, poetry and other material for publication or presentation
* 可能进行研究,以建立事实内容,并获得其他必要的信息。
May conduct research to establish factual content and to obtain other necessary information.
### 内容作家(非技术)Content writers (non-technical)
* 编写电子副本、博客文章、电子书、播客和其他形式的基于 Web 的内容
Write e-copy, blog posts, e-books, podcasts and other forms of Web-based content
* 对各种主题进行研究以为写作提供信息,并可能会咨询客户以确定写作目标
Conduct research on a variety of topics to inform writing and may consult with clients to determine the goals of the writing
### 撰稿人 Copywriters
* 研究和确定销售的产品和服务的特点,撰写文字广告和商业广告
Study and determine selling features of products and services and write text for advertisements and commercials
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 撰稿人通常需要法语,英语,市场营销,广告或其他学科的大学学位或大专文凭
Copywriters usually require a university degree or college diploma in French, English, marketing, advertising or another discipline
* 大专院校的创意写作课程
Creative writing programs are offered by universities and colleges
* 一系列的工作证明的天赋和能力,是重要的录用标准
Talent and ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, are important hiring criteria
* 可能需要是相关职业的公会或工会会员
Membership in a guild or union related to the occupation may be required
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC
* 作者和作家可能专注于特定主题或写作类型
Authors and writers may specialize in a particular subject or type of writing
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)不包括 Exclusions - Immiknow NOC
* 编辑 ( 51110 ) Editors (51110)
* 记者 ( 51113 ) Journalists (51113)
* 广告、营销和公共关系专业 ( 11202) Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations (11202)
* 词曲作者(在51121 Conductors, composers and arrangers中) Songwriter (in 51121 Conductors, composers and arrangers)
* 技术作家 ( 51112) Technical writers (51112)
* 笔译员、术语学家和口译员 ( 51114) Translators, terminologists and interpreters (51114)
51111 作者和作家(技术除外)职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 广告作家 ad writer
* 广告文案 advertising copywriter
* 广告作家 advertising writer
* 作者 author
* 传记作者 biographer
* 博主 blogger
* 内容创作者 - 写作 content creator - writing
* 内容作者(技术除外) content writer (except technical)
* 撰稿人 copywriter
* 填字游戏创作者 crossword puzzle maker
* 设计师和编剧 designer and script writer
* 对话作家 dialogue writer
* 配音对话作家 dubbing dialogue writer
* 散文家 essayist
* 专题作家 feature writer
* 小说作家 fiction writer
* 为人代写的作家 ghost writer
* 手册作家 handbook writer
* 帮助文件的开发 help file developer
* 幽默作家作者 humorist-author
* 互动媒体作家 interactive media writer
* 词典编纂 lexicographer
* 文学作家 literary writer
* 多媒体作者 multimedia author
* 多媒体脚本作家 multimedia script writer
* 多媒体作家 multimedia writer
* 新媒体的作家 new media writer
* 小说家 novelist
* 剧作家 playwright
* 诗人 poet
* 宣传作家 publicity writer
* 无线电作家 radio writer
* 重写 rewriter
* 编剧 screen writer
* 脚本和对话作家 script and dialogue writer
* 剧本作家 script writer
* 串行故事作家 serial story writer
* 串行作家 serial writer
* 短篇小说作家 short story writer
* 词作家 speech writer
* 体育作家 - 小说和书籍 sports writer – novels and books
* 分镜脚本写作 storyboarder
* 电视剧作家 - 编剧 teleplay writer – screenwriter
* 电视作家 television writer
* 网页内容专家 web content specialist
* 作家 writer