55109 其他表演者 Other performers - Immiknow NOC - TEER 5
其他表演者包括网红、魔术师、模特、木偶演员和其他表演者。 他们受雇于夜总会和剧院、广告和其他制作公司,或者他们可能是个体经营者。
Other performers include influencers, magicians, models, puppeteers and other performers. They are employed by nightclubs and theatre, advertising and other production companies, or they may be self-employed.
55109 其他表演者头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 街头艺人 Busker
* 时装模特 Fashion model
* 网红 Influencer
* 魔术师 Magician
* 操纵木偶 Puppeteer
包括: Inclusions:
* Deejay (DJ) - 唱盘手 Deejay (DJ) - turntablist
55109 其他表演者主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group:
* 街头艺人在人行道上和公园里以魔术表演,杂耍行为,短戏剧作品,音乐和其他娱乐表演来取悦他人
Buskers entertain passers-by on sidewalks and in parks with magic tricks, juggling acts, short dramatic works, music and other entertaining displays
* 魔术师和魔幻师表演戏法把戏,消失行为和其他幻觉
Magicians and illusionists perform sleight-of-hand tricks, disappearing acts and other illusions
* 时尚模特在商业广告,广告和时装秀中展示服装和商品并且为艺术家、摄影师和摄像师摆姿势
Fashion models display clothing and merchandise in commercials, advertisements and fashion shows and pose for artists, photographers and videographers
* 网红就广泛的主题分享想法和建议,并为社交媒体或其他数字平台创建个人和品牌内容
Influencers share ideas and advice on a broad range of topics and create personal and branded content for social media or other digital platforms
55109 其他表演者任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 模特通常需要完成模特课程
Completion of modelling courses is usually required for models
* 本单元组其他职业的培训往往是实际从业者的指导下获得的
Training for other occupations in this unit group is often obtained under the guidance of a practitioner
* 可能需要加入与职业、类型或表现相关的行会或工会
Membership in a guild or union related to the occupation or type or performance may be required
55109 其他表演者附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC
* 本单元组的不同职业之间几乎不具备相互流动性
There is little mobility between the different occupations in this unit group
55109 其他表演者不包括 Exclusions - Immiknow NOC
* 演员、喜剧演员和马戏团表演者 (53121) Actors, comedians and circus performers (53121)
* 舞者 (53120) Dancers (53120)
* 音乐家和歌手 (51122) Musicians and singers (51122)
55109 其他表演者职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 艺术与摄影模特 Art and photography model
* 街头艺人 Busker
* Deejay (DJ) - 唱盘手 Deejay (DJ) - turntablist
* 色情舞者 Erotic dancer
* 异国情调的舞者 Exotic dancer
* 脸部彩绘师 Face painter
* 时装模特 Fashion model
* 网红 Influencer
* 酷似…的人 Look-alike
* 魔术师 Magician
* 牵线木偶 Marionette handler
吉祥物 Mascot
* 模型 Model
* 裸体舞者 Nude dancer
* 魔术师 Prestidigitator
* 木偶师 Puppeteer
* 牛仔竞技司机 Rodeo driver
* 牛仔竞技骑手 Rodeo horse rider
* 圣诞老人/夫人 克劳斯 Santa Claus/Mrs. Claus
* 手艺人 Sleight-of-hand artist
* 街头艺人 Street entertainer
* 脱衣舞娘 Striptease dancer
* 特技表演者 - 艺人 Stunt performer - entertainer
* 特技骑手 Stunt rider
* 特技演员/女人 Stuntman/woman
* 桌上舞者 Table dancer
* 惊险表演者 Thrill performer
* 唱盘手 Turntablist
* Veejay (VJ) - 视频表演艺术家 Veejay (VJ) - video performance artist
* 口技表演者 Ventriloquist