加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 62200 主厨

62200 主厨

发布时间:2020-07-27 复查时间: 2025-03-03 1391

62200 主厨 Chefs - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes various types of chefs who plan and direct food preparation and cooking activities and who prepare and cook meals and specialty foods. They are employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, clubs and similar establishments, and on ships. 

62200 主厨头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 主厨 chef 
* 企业厨师 corporate chef 
* 行政总厨 executive chef 
* 执行副厨师长 executive sous-chef 
* 厨师长 head chef 
* 师傅 master chef 
* 糕点厨师 pastry chef 
* 调味汁厨师 saucier 
* 副厨师长 sous-chef 
* 专业厨师 specialist chef 

62200 主厨主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 行政厨师执行部分或全部下列职责:Executive chefs perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划和指导机构内的数家餐馆,餐饮连锁机构,医院或其他具有食品服务的场所的食物准备和烹饪活动 
Plan and direct food preparation and cooking activities of several restaurants in an establishment, restaurant chains, hospitals or other establishments with food services 

* 与客户咨询关于婚礼,宴会和特色功能 
Consult with clients regarding weddings, banquets and specialty functions 

* 计划菜单和确保食品符合质量标准 
Plan menus and ensure food meets quality standards 

* 估计食物需求,并可能估算食品和劳动力成本 
Estimate food requirements and may estimate food and labour costs 

* 监督助理厨师,特色厨师,主厨和厨师的活动 
Supervise activities of sous-chefs, specialist chefs, chefs and cooks 

* 安排设备采购及维修 
Arrange for equipment purchases and repairs 

* 招聘和雇佣人员 
Recruit and hire staff 

* 可以按照常规或为特殊的客人或功能准备和烹调食物。 
May prepare and cook food on a regular basis, or for special guests or functions. 

### 总厨助理执行部分或全部下列职责:Sous-chefs perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督专业厨师,主厨,厨师和其他厨工的活动 
Supervise activities of specialist chefs, chefs, cooks and other kitchen workers 

* 向烹饪人员展示新的烹饪技术和新设备 
Demonstrate new cooking techniques and new equipment to cooking staff 

* 计划菜单和采购食物和厨房用品 
May plan menus and requisition food and kitchen supplies 

* 可能准备和烹饪饭菜或特殊食品。 
May prepare and cook meals or specialty foods. 

### 厨师和专业厨师的执行部分或全部下列职责:Chefs and specialist chefs perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 准备和烹调全餐或特色食品,如糕点,酱油,汤,沙拉,蔬菜和肉类,家禽和鱼类菜肴,并为特别活动,如宴会创建装饰性食品显示 
Prepare and cook complete meals or specialty foods, such as pastries, sauces, soups, salads, vegetables and meat, poultry and fish dishes, and create decorative food displays for special events such as banquets 

* 指导厨师准备,烹饪,配菜和演示食物 
Instruct cooks in preparation, cooking, garnishing and presentation of food 

* 创建新的食谱 
Create new recipes 

* 监督厨师和厨房工作人员 
Supervise cooks and other kitchen staff 

* 可能设计菜单 
May plan menus 

* 可以征用食品和厨房用品。 
May requisition food and kitchen supplies. 

62200 主厨任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 必需取得在所有的省份和地区通用的厨师行业认证,或等效凭据,培训和经验。 
Cook's trade certification, which is available in all provinces and territories, or equivalent credentials, training and experience, are required. 

* 行政厨师通常需要管理培训和多年的商业食品准备经验,包括两年的监督能力 
Executive chefs usually require management training and several years of experience in commercial food preparation, including two years in a supervisory capacity

* 调味厨师,专业厨师和厨师通常要求多年的商业食品准备经验。 
Sous-chefs, specialist chefs and chefs usually require several years of experience in commercial food preparation. 

* 厨师红印章背书对于通过跨省红色钢印考试的厨师也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement for cooks is also available to qualified chefs upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

* 由加拿大联邦主厨和厨师(CFCC)加拿大烹饪学院管理的主厨认证对合格的厨师是适用的。 
Chef de cuisine certification, administered by the Canadian Culinary Institute of the Canadian Federation of Chefs and Cooks (CFCC), is available to qualified chefs. 

62200 主厨附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 本单元组的各类厨师之间具备一定的流动性。 
There is some mobility among the various types of chefs in this unit group. 

* 行政厨师可能晋升到食物制备场所的管理职位。 
Executive chefs may progress to managerial positions in food preparation establishments. 

62200 主厨其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 厨师 Cooks [6322](6322) 
* 食品柜台服务员,厨房助理和相关支持职业 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations [6711](6711) 
* 餐馆和食品服务经理 Restaurant and food service managers [0631](0631) 

62200 主厨职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理厨师 assistant chef 
* 宴会厨师 banquet chef 
* 厨师 chef 
* 主厨 chef de cuisine 
* 宴会厨师 chef de partie 
* 厨师糕点师 chef pâtissier 
* 寒性食物的厨师 cold foods chef 
* 企业厨师 corporate chef 
* 菜厨师 entremetier 
* 行政总厨 executive chef 
* 执行副厨师长 executive sous-chef 
* 第一副厨师长 first sous-chef 
* 冷盘部厨师 garde-manger chef 
* 主厨 head chef 
* 烘烤厨师长 head rotisseur 
* 师傅 master chef 
* 肉厨师 meat chef 
* 肉类,家禽和鱼类厨师 meat, poultry and fish chef 
* 面食厨师 pasta chef 
* 糕点厨师 pastry chef 
* 烤肉店厨师 rotisserie chef 
* 调味厨师 saucier 
* 副厨师长 second chef 
* 副厨师长 sous-chef 
* 专业厨师 specialist chef 
* 特色食品厨师 specialty foods chef 
* 监督厨师 supervising chef 
* 寿司厨师 sushi chef 
* 工作厨师长 working sous-chef  
