加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 72205 电信设备安装和有线电视服务技术人员

72205 电信设备安装和有线电视服务技术人员

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2024-10-14 1579

72205 电信安装工和维修工人 Telecommunications installation and repair workers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Telecommunications installation and repair workers install, test, maintain and repair telephones, telephone switching equipment and telecommunications equipment related to transmission and processing of voice, video signals and other data over a variety of media including fibre optics, microwave, radio and satellite. They are employed by telephone and other telecommunications transmission services establishments. 

72205 电信安装工和维修工人头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 学徒通信电工 - 开关 apprentice communication electrician – switching 
* 蜂窝电话技术人员 cellular telephone technician 
* 通信技术员,电话 communication technician, telephone 
* 交换测试员 - 电信 exchange tester – telecommunications 
* 线路和车站安装工,电话 line and station installer, telephone 
* 移动无线安装工员 mobile radio installer 
* 专用分组交换机(PBX)安装工程序员 private branch exchange (PBX) installer 
* 切换网络的安装工员和修理工 switch network installer and repairer 
* 电信设备技术员 telecommunications equipment technician 
* 电话安装工员 telephone installer 

72205 电信安装工和维修工人主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 电话安装工和维修执行部分或全部下列职责:Telephone installers and repairers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 安装工,排列,移除和维护电话设备,布线和相关的硬件 
Install, arrange, remove and maintain telephone equipment, wiring and associated hardware 

* 测试安装工电话系统,定位传输故障 
Test installed telephone systems to locate transmission faults 

* 修复或更换有缺陷和损坏的电话,电线和相关设备。 
Repair or replace defective and damaged telephones, wire and associated equipment. 

### 切换网络安装工员和维修工执行部分或全部下列职责:Switch network installers and repairers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在电信中心办公室和交换中心安装工机电,模拟和数字集群系统,电路和设备 
Install electromechanical, analog and digital trunking systems, circuits and equipment in telecommunications central offices and switching centres 

* 检查和测试集群系统,电路和设备 
Inspect and test trunking systems, circuits and equipment 

* 分析测试结果和调整,改变或修理交换系统,网络,相关的设备和软件。 
Analyze test results and adjust, change or repair switching system, network, associated equipment and software. 

### 电信服务测试人员执行部分或全部下列职责: 
Telecommunications service testers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作电脑测试系统,对客户的线路和设备进行服务测试 
Operate computerized testing systems to conduct service tests on customer lines and equipment 

* 确定操作故障的性质,原因和位置 
Determine the nature, cause and location of service trouble 

* 启动派遣合适的维修人员 
Initiate the dispatch of appropriate repair personnel 

* 完成测试报告和维护测试和服务记录 
Complete test reports and maintain test and service records 

* 可协助维修人员测试线路,电路与系统,隔离和清除电缆故障和验证记录。 
May assist repair personnel to test lines, circuits and systems, isolate and clear cable faults and verify records. 

### 电信设备技术员执行部分或全部下列职责: 
Telecommunications equipment technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 安装工,拆卸和维护各种电信设备及相关系统,如电传和传真机,电传打字机,移动电台,移动电话,寻呼机及其他相关电信设备 
Install, remove and maintain various telecommunications equipment and related systems such as telex and facsimile machines, teletypewriters, mobile radios, cellular telephones, pagers and other related telecommunications equipment 

* 配置操作系统和安装工软件,访问互联网 
Configure operating systems and install software for access to the Internet 

* 检查和测试电信设备的运行状况 
Inspect and test operation of telecommunications equipment 

* 诊断和定位设备故障,调整,更换或修理电信设备。 
Diagnose and locate equipment faults, and adjust, replace or repair telecommunications equipment. 

72205 电信安装工和维修工人任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学习。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 电话和交换机的网络安装工员和维修工要求完成三到四年的学徒计划 
Telephone and switch network installers and repairers require completion of an apprenticeship program ranging from three to four years 

* 或具备三年以上的行业工作经验和高中,大学或行业相关课程。 
A combination of over three years work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry related courses. 

* 电信设备技术员通常要求完成大学的电气和电子程序课程和若干月的在职培训 
Telecommunications equipment technicians usually require completion of a college electrical and electronics program and several months of on-the-job training 

* 或完成三或四年的学徒培训计划。 
Completion of a three- or four-year apprenticeship training program. 

* 通信技术人员行业认证可用,但在不列颠哥伦比亚省,阿尔伯塔省,新斯科舍省,西北地区和努纳武特地区是自愿的。 
Trade certification for communication technicians is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia, Alberta, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 

* 服务测试人员通常要求是具备经验的安装工员和修理工(电话交换网),通常需要服务测试员 
Experience as an installer and repairer (telephone and switch network) is usually required for service testers. 

72205 电信安装工和维修工人其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 电子服务技术员(家用和商用设备)Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) [2242](2242) 
* 主管电信安装工和维修工人(承包商和主管,电力行业和电信行业)Supervisors of telecommunication installation and repair workers (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations ) 
* 电信线路和电缆工人 Telecommunications line and cable workers [7245](7245) 

72205 电信安装工和维修工人职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 学徒通信电工 - 开关 apprentice communication electrician – switching 
* 电工学徒 - 电信设备 apprentice electrician – telecommunications equipment 
* 学徒扳道电话交换工/男/女 apprentice telephone switchman/woman 
* 学徒,通信电工 - 网络工艺 apprentice, communication electrician – network craft 
* 分支交换修理工-电信 branch exchange repairer – telecommunications 
* 业务电话设备安装工员和修理工 business telephone equipment installer and repairer 
* 业务电话设备的维护者 business telephone equipment maintainer 
* 有线电视台测试员 - 电信 cable station tester – telecommunications 
* 蜂窝电话安装工 cellular phone installer 
* 蜂窝电话安装工 cellular telephone installer 
* 蜂窝电话技术人员 cellular telephone technician 
* 局端设备检查员 - 电信 central office equipment inspector – telecommunications 
* 局端设备安装工 - 电信 central office equipment installer – telecommunications 
* 局端设备的维护者 - 电信 central office equipment maintainer – telecommunications 
* 局端设备修理工 - 电信 central office equipment repairer – telecommunications 
* 局端框架服务商 - 电信 central office frame servicer – telecommunications 
* 局端修理工 - 电信 central office repairer – telecommunications 
* 中央办公室技术员 - 电信 central office technician – telecommunications 
* 局端测试员 - 电信 central office tester – telecommunications 
* 充电设备服务员 - 电信 charging equipment attendant – telecommunications 
* 组合的男人/男/女 - 电信 combination man/woman – telecommunications 
* 通信电工 - 网络工艺 communication electrician – network craft 
* 通信系统技师 communication systems technician 
* 通信技术员,电话 communication technician, telephone 
* 通信电工 - 电信 communications electrician – telecommunications 
* 投诉服务技术员 - 电信 complaint service technician – telecommunications 
* 区域人员 /男/女 - 电信 districtman/woman – telecommunications 
* 电工,交换通信 electrician, switched communications 
* 电工,电信设备 electrician, telecommunications equipment 
* 电工,电话通信 electrician, telephone communications 
* 电工,收费通信 electrician, toll communications 
* 电子通讯技师 electronic communications technician 
* 设备安装工和修理工 - 电信 equipment installer and repairer – telecommunications 
* 交换安装工和修理工 - 电信 exchange installer and repairer – telecommunications 
* 交换测试员 exchange tester 
* 交换测试员 - 电信 exchange tester – telecommunications 
* 设施员/男/女 - 电信 facilities man/woman – telecommunications 
* 设施电线安装工 - 电信 facilities wirer – telecommunications 
* 传真设备安装工 facsimile equipment installer 
* 帧发报人 - 电话 frame wirer – telephone 
* 配线架工 /男/女 - 电信 frameman/woman – telecommunications 
* 检查员,私人分支交换(PBX) - 电信 inspector, private branch exchange (PBX) – telecommunications 
* 安装工和维修技师 - 电信 installation and repair technician – telecommunications 
* 安装工 - 电信 installer – telecommunications 
* 安装工,卫星接收机 installer, satellite receivers 
* 安装工,开关网络 installer, switch network 
* 安装工,电传打字机 installer, teleprinters 
* 安装工程序,电传打字机(TTY) - 电信 installer, teletypewriter (TTY) – telecommunications 
* 安装工程序,电传打字机(TTY) installer, teletypewriters (TTY) 
* 安装工程序,TTY(电传打字机) - 电信 installer, TTY (teletypewriter) – telecommunications 
* 线路和车站安装工,电话 line and station installer, telephone 
* 移动无线安装工 mobile radio installer 
* 移动无线电安装工 - 电信 mobile radio installer – telecommunications 
* 移动无线电技师 - 电信 mobile radio technician – telecommunications 
* 移动无线电话安装工 mobile radiotelephone installer 
* 运营商,测试台 - 电信 operator, test desk – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)和PABX(专用自动分支交换)检查员 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) and PABX (private automatic branch exchange) inspector – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)和PABX(专用自动交换机)安装工程序 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) and PABX (private automatic branch exchange) installer – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)和PABX(专用自动交换机)安装工和修理工 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) and PABX (private automatic branch exchange) installer and repairer – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)和PABX(私人自动分支交换)的修理工 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) and PABX (private automatic branch exchange) repairer – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)检查员 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) inspector – telecommunications 
* PBX(专用交换分机)的修理工 - 电信 PBX (private branch exchange) repairer – telecommunications 
* 专用交换分机(PBX)和专用自动交换机(PABX)检查员 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) inspector – telecommunications 
* 专用交换分机(PBX)和专用自动交换机(PABX)安装工程序 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) installer – telecommunications 
* 专用交换分机(PBX)和专用自动交换机(PABX)安装工和修理工 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) installer and repairer – telecommunications 
* 专用交换分机(PBX)和专用自动交换机(PABX)修理工 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) repairer – telecommunications 
* 专用分支交换机(PBX)检查员 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) inspector – telecommunications 
* 专用分组交换机(PBX)安装工 private branch exchange (PBX) installer 
* 专用分组交换机(PBX)安装工 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) installer – telecommunications 
* 专用分支交换机(PBX)的修理工 - 电信 private branch exchange (PBX) repairer – telecommunications 
* racker - 电信 racker – telecommunications 
* 无线电话安装工和修理工 radiotelephone installer and repairer 
* 稳压器和测试员 - 电信 regulator and tester – telecommunications 
* 继电器调节器 - 电信 relay adjuster – telecommunications 
* 继电保护测试员 - 电信 relay tester – telecommunications 
* 修理工 - 电信 repairer – telecommunications 
* 修理工,交换网络 repairer, switch network 
* 修理工,电传打字机 repairer, teleprinters 
* 修理工,电传打字机(TTY) repairer, teletypewriters (TTY) 
* 中继器安装工 - 电信 repeater installer – telecommunications 
* 中继器测试员,调节器 - 电信 repeater tester and adjuster – telecommunications 
* 农村电话维护者 rural telephone maintainer 
* 卫星接收机安装工 satellite receiver installer 
* 卫星接收设备安装工 satellite receiving equipment installer 
* 服务中心技术员 - 电信 service centre technician – telecommunications 
* 业务总监 - 电信 service inspector – telecommunications 
* 店修理工 - 电信 shop repairer – telecommunications 
* 特殊服务技师 - 电信 special services technician – telecommunications 
* 切换网络的安装工和修理工 switch network installer and repairer 
* 切换网络安装工和修理工 - 电信 switch network installer and repairer – telecommunications 
* 交换通信电工 switched communication electrician 
* 交换网络的修理工 switched network repairer 
* 交换网络的安装工程序 switched networks installer 
* 扳道工/男/女 - 电信 switchman/woman – telecommunications 
* 技术员,电信 technician, telecommunications 
* 技术员,电话通信 technician, telephone communications 
* 电信设备测试员和调节器 telecommunication equipment tester and regulator 
* 电信线路测试员 telecommunication line tester 
* 电信设备电工 telecommunications equipment electrician 
* 电信设备巡视员 telecommunications equipment inspector 
* 电信设备安装工 telecommunications equipment installer 
* 电信设备技术员 telecommunications equipment technician 
* 电信服务测试员 telecommunications service tester 
* 电信技术人员 telecommunications technician 
* 电话和电传安装工修理工 telephone and teleprinter installer-repairer 
* 电话局端配线架维护者 telephone central office distribution frame maintainer 
* 电话局端修理工 - 电信 telephone central office repairer – telecommunications 
* 电话通信电工 telephone communication electrician 
* 电话设备安装工和修理工 telephone equipment installer and repairer 
* 电话设备测试员 telephone equipment tester 
* 电话交换机配线架维护者 telephone exchange distribution frame maintainer 
* 电话交换修理工 telephone exchange repairer – telecommunications 
* 电话交换机测试员 telephone exchange tester 
* 电话设施评估员 telephone facilities evaluator 
* 电话安装工 telephone installer 
* 电话线和车站安装工 telephone line and station installer 
* 电话继电器测试员 telephone relay tester 
* 电话修理工 telephone repairer 
* 电话服务商 telephone servicer 
* 电话店修理工 telephone shop repairer 
* 电话站安装工 telephone station installer 
* 电话站修理工 telephone station repairer 
* 电话交换机的安装工和修理工 telephone switchboard installer and repairer 
* 电话扳道工/男/女 telephone switchman/woman 
* 电话系统继电器调节员 telephone system relay adjuster 
* 电话技师 telephone technician 
* 电话技术员 - 电信 telephone technician – telecommunications 
* 电话测试员 telephone tester 
* 电话费局端测试员 telephone toll central office tester 
* 话务检察员 telephone traffic inspector 
* 电传安装工 teleprinter installer 
* 电传安装工程序 - 电信 teleprinter installer – telecommunications 
* 电传修理工 teleprinter repairer 
* 电传安装工 - 电信 teletype installer – telecommunications 
* 电传修理工 - 电信 teletype repairer – telecommunications 
* 电传打字机(TTY)安装工 teletypewriter (TTY) installer 
* 电传打字机(TTY)安装工 - 电信 teletypewriter (TTY) installer – telecommunications 
* 电传打字机(TTY)修理工 teletypewriter (TTY) repairer 
* 终端和中继器测试员 terminal and repeater tester 
* 终端和中继器测试员 - 电信 terminal and repeater tester – telecommunications 
* 测试台运营商 - 电信 test desk operator – telecommunications 
* 测试员和调节员,电信设备; tester and regulator, telecommunications equipment 
* 电信线路测试员, tester, telecommunication lines 
* 测试员,电话交换机 tester, telephone exchange 
* 测试员,电话继电器 tester, telephone relays 
* 测试员,终端和中继器 tester, terminal and repeater 
* 测试员,长途电话局端 tester, toll telephone central office 
* 测试员,传输 - 电信 tester, transmission – telecommunications 
* 长途通信电工 toll communication electrician 
* 收费设备工人/男/女 - 电信 toll equipment man/woman – telecommunications 
* 收费扳道工/男/女 - 电信 toll switchman/woman – telecommunications 
* 长途电话交换测试员 toll telephone exchange tester 
* 收费测试员,电话交换机 toll tester, telephone exchange 
* 电信传输测试员 - transmission tester – telecommunications 
* TTY(电传打字机)安装工程序 TTY (teletypewriter) installer 
* TTY(电传打字机)安装工程序 - 电信 TTY (teletypewriter) installer – telecommunications 
* TTY(电传打字机)的修理工 TTY (teletypewriter) repairer 
* 电线安装工 /男/女 - 电信 wireman/woman – telecommunications 
* 电线安装员 - 电信 wirer – telecommunications 
* 发报人,框架 - 电话 wirer, frame – telephone  
