加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 72422 电气技师

72422 电气技师

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2025-03-24 2119

72422 电气技师 Electrical mechanics - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Electrical mechanics maintain, test, rebuild and repair electric motors, transformers, switchgear and other electrical apparatus. They are employed by independent electrical repair shops, service shops of electrical equipment manufacturers and maintenance departments of manufacturing companies. 

72422 电气技师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 电枢络筒机维修工 armature winder repairer 
* 绕线机和维修工 coil winder and repairer 
* 电机系统技术员 electric motor systems technician 
* 电气技工 electrical mechanic 
* 电气技工学徒 electrical mechanic apprentice 
* 电气倒带技工 electrical rewind mechanic 
* 电力变压器的维修工 electrical transformer repairer 
* 工业电机络筒机维修工 industrial motor winder-repairer 
* 电源变压器的维修工 power transformer repairer 
* 变压器维修工 transformer repairer 

72422 电气技师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

电气技师执行部分或全部下列职责:Electrical mechanics perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 使用测试和测量仪器测试并观察电气,电子和机械部件 
Test and observe electrical, electronic and mechanical components and systems using testing and measuring instruments 

* 故障排除和修复电动机,变压器,开关柜,发电机和其他机电设备 
Troubleshoot and repair electric motors, transformers, switchgear, generators and other electro-mechanical equipment 

* 更换或翻新轴,轴承,整流子和其他组件 
Replace or recondition shafts, bearings, commutators and other components 

* 缠绕,组装和安装各类电动机或变压器的线圈 
Wind, assemble and install various types of coils for electric motors or transformer 

* 通过焊接,钎焊或焊接电气连接,并通过校准和调整部件,执行电枢或转子的静态或动态的平衡 
Perform static or dynamic balancing of armatures or rotors by welding, brazing or soldering electrical connections and by aligning and adjusting parts 

* 测试和维修或更换电气开关设备中有故障的线路或元件 
Test and repair or replace faulty wiring or components in electrical switchgear 

* 测试修理电机,变压器,开关柜或其他电器设备,以确保适当的性能 
Test repaired motors, transformers, switchgear or other electrical apparatus to ensure proper performance 

* 执行一些加工翻新或修改轴,换向器或其他部件 
Perform some machining to recondition or modify shafts, commutators or other parts 

* 进行现场服务和维修。 
Perform on-site servicing and repair. 

* 电气技师可能专注于某种特定类型的装置,如电动马达或变压器,或执行某些功能,例如绕组线圈。 
Electrical mechanics may specialize in working with certain types of apparatus, such as electric motors or transformers, or in performing certain functions, such as winding coils. 

72422 电气技师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成为期四年的学徒课程 
Completion of a four-year apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要超过四年的行业工作经验,和大学或电气力学行业课程的组合,才能获得行业认证。 
A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some college or industry courses in electrical mechanics is usually required for trade certification. 

* 电动机系统的技术人员行业认证是适用的,但在新不伦瑞克省,纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,爱德华王子岛省,安大略省,曼尼托巴省,阿尔伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省,育空地区和努纳武特地区是自愿的。 
Trade certification as an electric motor system technician is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon and Nunavut. 

* 电机和设备维修工 - 绕组行业认证是可用的,但在魁北克省是自愿的。 
Electrical motor and equipment repairer – winding trade certification is available, but voluntary in Quebec. 

* 电机系统技术员(公用电力公司)行业认证是可用的,但在新不伦瑞克省是自愿的。 
Electrical motor system technician (electrical utility) trade certification is available, but voluntary in New Brunswick. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省红色钢印考试后合格的电动马达系统技工也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified electric motor system technicians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

72422 电气技师附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 虽然可能有专业化分工,但本单元组的工人要求精通修复所有电气设备。 
Although specialization may occur, workers in this unit group are required to be proficient in repairing all electrical apparatus. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

72422 电气技师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机电气技师(飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员) Aircraft electrical mechanics (in [2244](2244) Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors ) 
* 装配工,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers [9525](9525) 
* 工业电工 Industrial electricians [7242](7242) 
* 主管-电气力学(承包商及监事,机械行业) Supervisors of electrical mechanics (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 

72422 电气技师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 电枢修理工/男/女 armature repairman/woman 
* 电枢络筒机维修工 armature winder repairer 
* 汽车发电机和起动机的维修工 automotive-generator and starter repairer 
* 断路器技工 circuit breaker mechanic 
* 线圈连接器维修工 coil connector repairer 
* 绕线机和维修工 coil winder and repairer 
* 电表维修工 electric meter repairer 
* 电动仪表维修工学徒 electric meter repairer apprentice 
* 电表技师 electric meter technician 
* 电动汽车机械师 electric motor mechanic 
* 电动机维修工 electric motor repairer 
* 电动机维修工测试仪 electric motor repairer and tester 
* 电动机维修工测试仪 electric motor repairer-tester 
* 电机修理工/男/女 electric motor repairman/woman 
* 电机系统技术员 electric motor systems technician 
* 电动机缠线工 electric motor winder 
* 电动机络筒机维修工 electric motor winder-repairer 
* 电气设备修理工 electrical apparatus mechanic 
* 电气设备技工培训师 electrical equipment mechanic trainee 
* 电气仪表修理工 electrical instrument mechanic 
* 电气技工 electrical mechanic 
* 电力技师 - 电力公用事业 electrical mechanic – electrical utilities 
* 电气技工(除航空电子设备) electrical mechanic (except avionics) 
* 电气技工学徒 electrical mechanic apprentice 
* 电气技工培训师 electrical mechanic trainee 
* 电力机械,仪表维修 electrical mechanic, meter repair 
* 电气技工,开关柜维修 electrical mechanic, switchgear repair 
* 电气力学组组长 electrical mechanics group leader 
* 电子机械导领导 electrical mechanics lead hand 
* 电机绕线维修工 electrical motor coil winder-repairer 
* 电气倒带技工 electrical rewind mechanic 
* 电力变压器的维修工 electrical transformer repairer 
* 发电机维修工 generator repairer 
* 发电机修理工/男/女 generator repairman/woman 
* 领导小组组长,电气力学 group leader, electrical mechanics 
* 高压电源变压器维修工 high-voltage power transformer repairer 
* 工业绕线机维修工 industrial coil winder-repairer 
* 工业电机络筒机维修工 industrial motor winder-repairer 
* 导致手,电子机械 lead hand, electrical mechanics 
* 机械师,断路器 mechanic, circuit breaker 
* 修理工,电动马达 mechanic, electric motors 
* 电机绕线维修工 motor coil winder-repairer 
* 电源变压器的维修工 power transformer repairer 
* 电力变压器维修工/男/女 power transformer repairman/woman 
* 维修工,线圈接头 repairer, coil connectors 
* 维修工,电表 repairer, electric meter 
* 维修工,电动马达 repairer, electric motor 
* 维修工,电器仪表 repairer, electrical instruments 
* 维修工,蓄电池 repairer, storage battery 
* 修理工/男/女,电动机 repairman/woman, electric motor 
* 修理工/男/女,电力变压器 repairman/woman, power transformers 
* 修理工/男/女,变压器 repairman/woman, transformers 
* 蓄电池维修工 storage battery repairer 
* 变压器线圈维修工 transformer coil repairer 
* 变压器维修工 transformer repairer 
* 变压器修理工/男/女 transformer repairman/woman 
* 缠线工,电动马达 winder, electric motors 
* 络筒机电工 winder-electrician 
* 络筒机维修工,工业电机 winder-repairer, industrial motors  
