加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 7384 其他行业及相关职位

7384 其他行业及相关职位

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1257

7384 其他行业及相关职位 Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c. - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes tradespersons and related skilled workers, not elsewhere classified, who repair, service, install, calibrate or fabricate a variety of products. This unit group includes commercial divers. They are employed by a wide range of establishments, or they may be self-employed. 

7384 其他行业及相关职位头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机打样师 aircraft patternmaker 
* 铁匠 blacksmith 
* 商业潜水员 commercial diver 
* 模具安装工 die setter 
* 爆炸物检测员 explosive ordnance detector 
* 蹄铁匠 farrier 
* 制造或修理枪的工人 gunsmith 
* 锁匠 locksmith 
* 填海潜水员 reclamation diver 
* 休旅车技术员 recreation vehicle technician 
* 恢复高空作业工人 restoration steeplejack 
* 安全厂商 safe maker 
* 锯工 saw fitter 
* 小型武器维修工 small arms repairer 
* 刀具锻工 toolsmith 
* 水下承包商 underwater contractor 
* 跳马维修工 vault repairer 

7384 其他行业及相关职位主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 军械工人根据图纸或客户要求的规格,制造枪支和修复并修改枪支。 
Gunsmiths fabricate guns and repair and modify firearms according to blueprints or customers' specifications. 

* 锁匠修理,安装和调整锁,制作钥匙并改变锁的组合。 
Locksmiths repair, install and adjust locks, make keys and change lock combinations. 

* 娱乐车辆技师修理或更换电气线路,管道,丙烷气线,电器,窗户,门,橱柜和休闲车的结构框架。 
Recreation vehicle technicians repair or replace electrical wiring, plumbing, propane gas lines, appliances, windows, doors, cabinets and structural frames in recreational vehicles. 

* 安全和跳马服务商安装,维修和维护银行及其他机构的保险箱和保险柜。 
Safe and vault servicers install, repair and maintain safes and vaults in banks and other establishments. 

* 锯钳工根据规格维修,安装并锐化乐队锯,链锯,圆锯和其他类型锯片。 
Saw fitters repair, set and sharpen band saws, chain saws, circular saws and other types of saw blades according to specifications. 

* 模具制定者根据工作秩序和规格选择模具进行锻造;将模具对准并拴紧在动力压力机和锤子的撞锤和铁砧。 
Die setters select dies for forging according to work order and specifications; position align and bolt dies to ram and anvil of power presses and hammers. 

* 商业潜水员进行水下施工,验收,搜索,打捞,修复和摄影等相关活动。 
Commercial divers perform underwater activities related to construction, inspection, search, salvage, repair and photography. 

7384 其他行业及相关职位任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成两到四年的相关行业学徒课程,如锁匠,休旅车技师或锯钳工 
Completion of a two- to four-year apprenticeship program in a relevant trade, such as locksmith, recreation vehicle technician or saw fitter 

* 或者完成大学,高中或行业课程,以及多年的相关工作经验。 
College, high school or industry courses combined with several years of related work experience 

* 或者必需具备多年的在职培训。 
Several years of on-the-job training are required. 

* 锁匠行业认证是可用的,但在新斯科舍省,新不伦瑞克省,萨斯喀彻温省,阿尔伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省,西北地区和努纳武特地区是自愿的。 
Trade certification for locksmiths is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 

* 娱乐车辆的维修技师行业认证在阿尔伯塔省是强制性的,但在新不伦瑞克省,纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,爱德华王子岛省,魁北克省,安大略省,曼尼托巴省,不列颠哥伦比亚省和育空地区可用,是自愿的。 
Trade certification for recreation vehicle service technicians is compulsory in Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia and the Yukon. 

* Sawfiler /钳工和锉锯修理工行业认证是可用的,而在魁北克省,阿尔伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省和育空地区是自愿的。 
Sawfiler/fitter and sawfitter trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. 

* 本单元组的其他职业可能需要省行业认证或许可。 
Provincial trade certification or licensing may be required for other occupations in this unit group. 

* 红印章背书对通过跨省红色钢印考试的合格的娱乐车辆的维修技师也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified recreation vehicle service technicians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

* 商业潜水员必须符合CSA标准Z275.4 -02,潜水作业能力标准的要求。 
Commercial divers must meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4-02, Competency Standard for Diving Operations. 

* 商业潜水员需要取得由加拿大潜水员资格委员会( DCBC )颁发的职业潜水员资格认证,或通过正规教育课程,潜水培训课程或教育和实践经验相结合而取得的合格证书。 
Commercial divers require an Occupational Diver Certificate of Competency issued by the Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC) or qualification earned through a formal education program, training courses in diving or a combination of education and practical experience. 

* 商业潜水员需要能力认证,并接受获准的高压医师潜水医疗检查。 
Commercial divers require certification of competency and a diving medical examination from an approved hyperbaric physician. 

* 商业潜水员可能需要军队或警察的潜水经验。 
Commercial divers may require military or police diving experience. 

* 商业潜水员通常要求具备安装和引爆炸药的省级爆破工许可证。 
Commercial divers usually require a provincial blaster's licence for the setting and detonation of explosives. 

7384 其他行业及相关职位附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

There is little or no mobility among occupations in this unit group. 

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7384 其他行业及相关职位其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 汽车维修技师 Automotive service technicians [732](732) 
* 摩托车,全地形车和其他相关机械师 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics [7334](7334) 
* 其他小型发动机和小型设备维修工 Other small engine and small equipment repairers [7335](7335) 
* 警方潜水员( 警员(委托除外) ) Police divers (in [4311](4311) Police officers (except commissioned) ) 
* 焊工和相关机器操作员 Welders and related machine operators [7237](7237) 

7384 其他行业及相关职位职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机模型制造商 aircraft mock-up maker 
* 飞机模型制造商 aircraft model maker 
* 飞机制模师 aircraft patternmaker 
* 铁砧匠 anvilsmith 
* 学徒海洋维修技术员 apprentice marine repair technician 
* 娱乐车辆维修技工学徒 apprentice recreation vehicle mechanic 
* 徒弟看见维修工 apprentice saw repairer 
* 铁匠 blacksmith 
* 铁匠 - 农业 blacksmith – agriculture 
* 铁匠 - 制造 blacksmith – manufacturing 
* 铁匠,农场 blacksmith, farm 
* 拆弹专家 bomb-disposal expert 
* 校准,科学仪器 calibrator, scientific instruments 
* 圆锯文件管理员 circular saw filer 
* 间隙潜水员 clearance diver 
* 商业潜水员 commercial diver 
* 商业自由潜水员 commercial free-diver 
* 商业潜水员 commercial scuba diver 
* 商业皮肤潜水员 commercial skin diver 
* 深海潜水员 deep-sea diver 
* 模具安装工 die setter 
* 潜水员 diver 
* 潜水承包商 diving contractor 
* 潜水监督员 diving supervisor 
* 爆炸物检测员 explosive ordnance detector 
* 农场铁匠 farm blacksmith 
* 蹄铁匠 farrier 
* 文件管理员,圆锯 filer, circular saws 
* 文件管理员,林产品锯 filer, forest products saws 
* 钳工,锯木厂锯 fitter, sawmill saws 
* 林产品看到文件管理器 forest products saw filer 
* 玻璃校准 glass calibrator 
* 枪维修工 gun repairer 
* 枪匠 gunsmith 
* 锻工 hammersmith 
* 硬帽子潜水员 hard-hat diver 
* 马蹄铁工 horseshoer 
* 边裁/男/女 - 造船 linesman/woman – shipbuilding 
* 锁专家 lock expert 
* 锁定钳工 lock fitter 
* 锁维修工 lock repairer 
* 锁修理工/男/女 lock repairman/woman 
* 锁定安装工 lock setter 
* 锁匠 locksmith 
* 锁匠专家 locksmithing expert 
* 放样员 /男/女 - 飞机制造 loftsman/woman – aircraft manufacturing 
* 放样员 /男/女 - 造船 loftsman/woman – shipbuilding 
* 船舶维修技师 marine repair technician 
* 模型和模拟制造商 model and mock-up maker 
* 模型和模拟厂商 - 航空 model and mock-up maker – aeronautics 
* 模型和模具制造商 - 混凝土制品 model and mould maker – concrete products 
* 模型制作者 model maker 
* 模型制作者,飞机 model maker, aircraft 
* 模型制作者,船舶 model maker, ships 
* 机动车辆模型制造商 motor vehicle model maker 
* 离岸潜水员 offshore diver 
* 制模工 - 航空 patternmaker – aeronautics 
* 制模工 ,石膏 patternmaker, plaster 
* 石膏模具制造商 - 飞机 plaster mould maker – aircraft 
* 石膏模具制造商 plaster pattern maker 
* 石膏模具制造商 - 飞机 plaster pattern maker – aircraft 
* 填海潜水员 reclamation diver 
* 休旅车机械师学徒 recreation vehicle apprentice mechanic 
* 休闲车辆维修技工 recreation vehicle mechanic 
* 休闲车的维修工 recreation vehicle repairer 
* 休闲汽车维修技师 recreation vehicle service technician 
* 休旅车技术员 recreation vehicle technician 
* 遥控潜水器(ROV )运算符 remote operated vehicle (ROV) operator 
* 维修工,锁 repairer, locks 
* 维修工,保险箱和保险柜 repairer, safes and vaults 
* 维修工,锯 repairer, saws 
* 维修工,小型武器 repairer, small arms 
* 修理工/男/女,锁定 repairman/woman, locks 
* 修理工/男/女,锯 repairman/woman, saws 
* 恢复高空作业 restoration steeplejack 
* 绳访问技术员(RAT) rope access technician (RAT) 
* 安全和跳马安装服务商 safe and vault installer-servicer 
* 安全和跳马维修工的 safe and vault repairer 
* 安全和跳马服务商 safe and vault servicer 
* 安全和跳马技术人员 safe and vault technician 
* 安全专家 safe expert 
* 安全厂商 safe maker 
* 打捞潜水员 salvage diver 
* 看到医生 saw doctor 
* 看到文件管理员 saw filer 
* 看到钳工 saw fitter 
* 钳工看到文件管理器 saw fitter-filer 
* 锯制造商 saw maker 
* 看见维修工 saw repairer 
* 看到修理工/男/女 saw repairman/woman 
* 锯木厂锯钳工 sawmill saw fitter 
* 锯匠 sawsmith 
* 刻度校准工 scale calibrator 
* 搜索和救援潜水员 search and rescue diver 
* 船舶模型制作者 ship model maker 
* 皮肤潜水员,商业 skin diver, commercial 
* 小型武器维修工 small arms repairer 
* 小飞机模型制造商 small-aircraft model maker 
* 烟囱维修工 smokestack repairer 
* 高空作业 steeplejack 
* 石雕制模工 stonework patternmaker 
* 技术员,休闲车 technician, recreation vehicles 
* 技术员,安全和跳马 technician, safe and vault 
* 模板制造商 template maker 
* 模板制造商 - 航空 template maker – aeronautics 
* 模板制造商 - 造船 template maker – shipbuilding 
* 时间锁专家 time lock expert 
* 刀具锻工 toolsmith 
* 水下承包商 underwater contractor 
* 水下工人 underwater worker 
* 跳马维修工 vault repairer 
* 库服务商 vault servicer 
* 工作模型飞机制造商 - working model maker – aircraft  
