加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 70021 邮政和快递服务经理

70021 邮政和快递服务经理

发布时间:2020-07-22 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1304

70021 邮政和快递服务经理 Postal and courier services managers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Postal and courier services managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations in postal facilities and in establishments that provide courier services. They are employed by Canada Post Corporation and by courier companies. 

 70021 邮政和快递服务经理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 邮件处理厂经理 mail processing plant manager 
* 经理,收集和派送业务 - 邮政服务 manager, collection and delivery operations – postal service 
* 经理,邮件业务 manager, mail operations 
* 信使服务经理 messenger service manager 
* 包裹加工厂经理 parcel processing plant manager 
* 邮政办公室经理 post office manager 
* 邮站的管理者 postal station superintendent 
* 生产控制经理 - 邮政服务 production control manager – postal service 

70021 邮政和快递服务经理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

邮政及速递服务经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Postal and courier services managers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 计划,组织,指导,控制和评估邮政设施和快递服务公司的活动和业务,或加拿大邮政及速递服务公司内营运部门的活动和业务 
Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations of postal facilities and courier service companies, or of operational divisions within Canada Post and courier service companies 

* 统筹监事和其他工作人员的职责 
Co-ordinate the duties of supervisors and other staff 

* 通过邮政和包裹分拣设施,确保邮件和包裹准确而便利的传送 
Manage the accurate and expedient movement of mail and parcels through postal and parcel sorting facilities 

* 查看分配操作的有效性,实现邮政及速递业务的变化 
Review effectiveness of assigned operations and implement changes to postal and courier operations 

* 准备和提交概算和管理邮政及速递设施的支出 
Prepare and submit budget estimates and administer the expenditures of postal and courier facilities 

* 面试,聘用及培训员工 
Interview, hire and provide training for staff. 

70021 邮政和快递服务经理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要大学学位或大专文凭。 
A university degree or college diploma is usually required. 

* 需要几年的监督或邮政或快递的设施内运作经验。 
Several years of supervisory or operational experience within a postal or courier facility are usually required. 

70021 邮政和快递服务经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 邮政局长(监事,邮件和信息分发职业)Postmasters (in [1214](1214) Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations ) 

 70021 邮政和快递服务经理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 区域经理 - 邮政服务 area manager – postal service 
* 收集和交付业务经理 - 邮政服务 collection and delivery operations manager – postal service 
* 商业开发经理 - 邮政及速递服务 commercial development manager – postal and courier services 
* 快递服务经理 courier service manager 
* 送货服务经理 - 邮政及速递服务 delivery service manager – postal and courier services 
* 主任,区邮局 director, district post office 
* 区邮局主任 district post office director 
* 现场服务经理 - 邮政及速递服务 field service manager – postal and courier services 
* 邮件业务经理 mail operations manager 
* 邮件处理厂经理 mail processing plant manager 
* 邮件处理厂的管理者 mail processing plant superintendent 
* 经理,收集和派送业务 - 邮政服务 manager, collection and delivery operations – postal service 
* 经理,商业发展 - 邮政和快递服务 manager, commercial development – postal and courier services 
* 经理,快递服务 manager, courier service 
* 经理,邮件业务 manager, mail operations 
* 经理,邮件处理厂 manager, mail processing plant 
* 经理,信使服务 manager, messenger service 
* 经理,包裹处理厂 manager, parcel processing plant 
* 经理,厂房业务 - 邮政服务 manager, plant operations – postal service 
* 经理,邮局 manager, post office 
* 经理,邮政区 manager, postal area 
* 邮区经理, manager, postal zone 
* 经理,邮区设施 manager, postal zone facilities 
* 经理,生产控制 - 邮政服务 manager, production control – postal service 
* 经理,区域服务 - 邮政及速递服务 manager, regional services – postal and courier services 
* 信使服务经理 messenger service manager 
* 包裹加工厂经理 parcel processing plant manager 
* 工厂经理 - 邮政及速递服务 plant manager – postal and courier services 
* 工厂运营经理 - 邮政服务 plant operations manager – postal service 
* 工厂管理者 - 邮政及速递服务 plant superintendent – postal and courier services 
* 交的办公室经理 post office manager 
* 邮政区域经理 postal area manager 
* 邮站的管理者 postal station superintendent 
* 邮区设施经理 postal zone facilities manager 
* 邮区经理 postal zone manager 
* 生产控制经理 - 邮政服务 production control manager – postal service 
* 区域服务经理 - 邮政及速递服务 regional services manager – postal and courier services 
* 管理者,邮件处理厂 superintendent, mail processing plant
