加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 12101 人力资源和招聘人员

12101 人力资源和招聘人员

发布时间:2020-07-23 复查时间: 2025-03-24 2632

12101 人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Human resources and recruitment officers identify and advertise job vacancies, recruit candidates, and assist in the selection and reassignment of employees. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors. 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 人力资源人员 human resources officer 
* 人事专员 personnel officer 
* 招聘专家 recruitment specialist 
* 人员分析师 staffing analyst 
* 人员统筹 staffing co-ordinator 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

人力资源和招聘人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Human resources and recruitment officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 确定当前和未来的人员需求,准备和张贴告示和广告,并收集和筛选申请 
Identify current and prospective staffing requirements, prepare and post notices and advertisements, and collect and screen applications 

* 针对就业要求和就业条款和条件向求职者提供建议 
Advise job applicants on employment requirements and on terms and conditions of employment 

* 查看候选人目录,与潜在的申请人联系并安排面试,安排人员调任,调动和安置 
Review candidate inventories and contact potential applicants to arrange interviews and arrange transfers, redeployment and placement of personnel 

* 招聘学院,大学和其他教育机构的毕业生 
Recruit graduates of colleges, universities and other educational institutions 

* 统筹和参与选拔和考试委员会,评估候选人 
Co-ordinate and participate in selection and examination boards to evaluate candidates 

* 通知申请人筛选结果,并准备就职录用通知 
Notify applicants of results of selection process and prepare job offers 

* 对管理者和员工进行工作人员政策和程序的培训 
Advise managers and employees on staffing policies and procedures 

* 组织和管理工作人员咨询和申诉程序 
Organize and administer staff consultation and grievance procedures 

* 协商和解申诉和纠纷,统筹就业进程终止 
Negotiate settlements of appeals and disputes and co-ordinate termination of employment process 

* 确定领取津贴的资格,安排人员培训和提供信息或服务,例如员工援助,咨询和识别项目 
Determine eligibility to entitlements, arrange staff training and provide information or services such as employee assistance, counselling and recognition programs 

* 监督进行备案和记录保存职责的人事文员。 
May supervise personnel clerks performing filing and record-keeping duties. 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 与人事管理,如工商管理,工业关系,商业或心理学相关的领域的大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in a field related to personnel management such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology 

* 或通常需要完成专业人事管理发展规划。 
Completion of a professional development program in personnel administration is usually required. 

* 可能需要人力资源管理师(CHRP)认证。 
Certification as a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) may be required. 

* 可能需要与人事管理有关的文书或行政职务经验。 
Some experience in a clerical or administrative position related to personnel administration may be required. 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到专家伙管理岗位。 
Progression to specialist and management positions is possible with experience. 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 人力资源经理 Human resources managers [0112](0112) 
* 人力资源专业人员 Human resources professionals [1121](1121) 
* 人事文员 Personnel clerks [1415](1415) 
* 培训军官和教官(学院和其他职业教师) Training officers and instructors (in [4021](4021)College and other vocational instructors ) 

## 12101 人力资源和招聘人员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理人事主任 assistant personnel officer 
* 就业面试官 employment interviewer 
* 就业主管 employment supervisor 
* 人事主管 executive recruiter 
* 人力资源官 human resources officer 
* 面试官 - 人力资源 interviewer – human resources 
* 劳动力顾问 labour force consultant 
* 人事主管 personnel administrator 
* 人事顾问 personnel adviser 
* 人员面试 personnel interviewer 
* 人事管理顾问 personnel management adviser 
* 人事专员 personnel officer 
* 人才招聘官 personnel recruitment officer 
* 人才选拔官员 personnel selection officer 
* 人事主管 personnel supervisor 
* 安置人员 - 人力资源 placement officer – human resources 
* 就业招聘人员 - recruiter – employment 
* 招聘人员 recruiting officer 
* 招聘助理 recruitment assistant 
* 招聘顾问 recruitment consultant 
* 招聘官 recruitment officer 
* 招聘专家 recruitment specialist 
* 高级人员人员 senior staffing officer 
* 人员顾问 staffing adviser 
* 人员分析师 staffing analyst 
* 人员统筹 staffing co-ordinator 
* 人员文员 staffing officer 
* 学生就业主任 student placement officer 
