加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家

21112 农业代表,顾问和专家

发布时间:2020-07-23 复查时间: 2025-03-03 1532

21112 农业代表,顾问和专家 Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists provide assistance and advice to farmers on all aspects of farm management, cultivation, fertilization, harvesting, soil erosion and composition, disease prevention, nutrition, crop rotation and marketing. They are employed by businesses, institutions and governments that assist the farming community, or they may be self-employed. 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 农业顾问 agricultural consultant 
* 农业技术推广主管 agricultural extension supervisor 
* 农业畜牧专家 agricultural livestock specialist 
* 农业代表 agricultural representative 
* 农业土壤和作物专家 agricultural soil and crop specialist 
* 农学家 agriculturist 
* 土壤学家 agrologist 
* 农学家 agronomist 
* 咨询土壤学家, consulting agrologist 
* 作物专家 crop specialist 
* 农场管理顾问 farm management consultant 
* 现场服务顾问 - 农业 field service adviser – agriculture 
* 现场服务代理 - 农业 field service agent – agriculture 
* 种植者顾问 growers' advisor 
* 专业土壤学家(P.Ag.) professional agrologist (P.Ag.) 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

农业代表,顾问和专家执行部分或全部下列职责:Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 向农民提供作物种植,施肥,收割,动物和家禽保健,疾病预防,农场管理,农场融资,市场营销和其他农业学科等方面的辅导和咨询服务 
Provide counselling and advisory services to farmers on crop cultivation and fertilization, harvesting, animal and poultry care, disease prevention, farm management, farm financing, marketing and other agricultural subjects 

* 为农民和其他团体准备和进行咨询信息的会议和讲座 
Prepare and conduct advisory information sessions and lectures for farmers and other groups 

* 进行调研,分析农业数据和编写研究报告 
Conduct research, analyze agricultural data and prepare research reports 

* 联络与养殖和农业有关事项的研究人员,教育工作者和政府或企业经理 
Liaise with researchers, educators and government or business managers on matters pertaining to farming and agriculture 

* 保留提供的服务以及建议产生的影响的记录。 
Maintain records of services provided and the effects of advice given. 

* 农业代表,顾问和专家可能专注于农业的特定方面,例如园艺,动物科学,土壤学,灌溉,排水,农场管理,市场营销,农业经济,土地利用,环境管理,考核或扩展以及教育等。 
Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists may specialize in specific aspects of agriculture such as animal science, field crops, horticulture, soil science, irrigation or drainage, farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, land use, and environmental management, appraisal or extension and education. 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需取得农业或相关科学大学本科或硕士学位。 
A bachelor's or master's degree in agriculture or in a related science is required. 

* 通常必需是土壤学省级学会会员或具备会员资格。 
Membership or eligibility for membership in a provincial institute of agrology is usually required. 

* 在魁北克省,公共秩序专业美发成员是强制性的。 
In Quebec, membership in the Ordre professionnel des agronomes is mandatory. 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累可能晋升到管理岗位。 
Progression to management positions is possible with experience. 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 农业工程师(其他专业的工程师,NEC) Agricultural engineers (in [2148](2148) Other professional engineers, n.e.c. ) 
* 土壤学技师和技术员(生物技术专家和技术人员) Agrology technologists and technicians (in [2221](2221) Biological technologists and technicians ) 
* 生物学家和相关的科学家 Biologists and related scientists [2121](2121) 
* 景观和园艺技术人员和专家 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists [2225](2225) 
* 农业技术推广和咨询服务经理(架构和科学管理) Managers of agricultural extension and consulting services (in [0212](0212) Architecture and science managers ) 
* 负责农业经济政策的经理(政府管理者 - 经济分析,政策制定和计划管理) Managers responsible for agricultural economic policy (in [0412](0412) Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration ) 

## 21112 农业代表,顾问和专家职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 播种面积配额分配人员 acreage-quota assignment officer 
* 农业顾问 agricultural advisor 
* 农业顾问 agricultural consultant 
* 农业技术推广主管 agricultural extension supervisor 
* 农业畜牧专家 agricultural livestock specialist 
* 农业代表 agricultural representative 
* 农业土壤和作物专家 agricultural soil and crop specialist 
* 农业专家 agricultural specialist 
* 农学家 agriculturist 
* 土壤学家 agrologist 
* 农学家 agronomist 
* 咨询土壤学家 consulting agrologist 
* 作物专家 crop specialist 
* 指示者,农业部 demonstrator, Department of Agriculture 
* 区农业专家 district agricultural specialist 
* 区农艺师 district agronomist 
* 区代表,政府农业服务 district representative, government agricultural service 
* 延伸服务农艺师 extension service agronomist 
* 农场管理顾问 farm management consultant 
* 养殖顾问 farming consultant 
* 现场服务顾问 - 农业 field service adviser – agriculture 
* 现场服务代理 - 农业 field service agent – agriculture 
* 政府农业服务区代表 government agricultural service district representative 
* 种植者顾问 growers' advisor 
* 农业灌溉顾问 - irrigation consultant – agriculture 
* 畜牧专家 livestock specialist 
* P.Ag. (专业agrologist) P.Ag. (professional agrologist) 
* 专业土壤学家(P.Ag.) professional agrologist (P.Ag.) 
* 代表,政府农业服务 representative, government agricultural service 
* 土壤保育 soil conservationist 
* 土壤肥力专家 soil fertility expert  
