加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 31120 药剂师

31120 药剂师

发布时间:2020-07-27 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1714

31120 药剂师 Pharmacists - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


Community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists compound and dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals and provide consultative services to both clients and health care providers. They are employed in retail and hospital pharmacies, or they may be self-employed. Industrial pharmacists participate in the research, development, promotion and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. They are employed in pharmaceutical companies and government departments and agencies. 

## 31120 药剂师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 临床药师 clinical pharmacist 
* 社区药剂师 community pharmacist 
* 医院药剂师 hospital pharmacist 
* 工业药剂师 industrial pharmacist 
* 药剂师 pharmacist 
* 零售药剂师 retail pharmacist 

## 31120 药剂师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 社区药剂师和医院药师执行部分或全部下列职责:Community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查处方剂量是否适当 
Check prescriptions for proper dosage 

* 通过计算,测量和混合所需数量的药物和其他成分,并用正确的数量填充适当的容器,配置处方医药产品 
Compound prescribed pharmaceutical products by calculating, measuring and mixing the quantities of drugs and other ingredients required and filling appropriate containers with correct quantity 

* 向客户或其他卫生保健专业人员发放处方药品,并针对适应症,禁忌症,不良反应,药物相互作用和剂量给予建议 
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers or to other health care professionals and advise them on indications, contra-indications, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage 

* 维护客户的用药档案,包括毒药和麻醉药品和控制药物的注册表 
Maintain medication profiles of customers including registry of poisons and narcotic and controlled drugs 

* 确保疫苗,血清,生物制剂和其他药物及药品的适量准备,包装,配送和储存 
Ensure proper preparation, packaging, distribution and storage of vaccines, serums, biologicals and other drugs and pharmaceuticals 

* 订购和维护医药用品的库存 
Order and maintain stock of pharmaceutical supplies 

* 建议客户选择和使用非处方用药 
Advise customers on selection and use of non-prescription medication 

* 可以监督和协调其他药剂师,药房助理,药学技术人员及其他工作人员的活动。 
May supervise and co-ordinate the activities of other pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, pharmacy technicians and other staff. 

### 工业药剂师执行部分或全部下列职责:Industrial pharmacists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 参与研究新药开发 
Participate in research for the development of new drugs 

* 制定医学研究人员要开发的新药品 
Formulate new drug products developed by medical researchers 

* 测试新药物产品的稳定性,并确定吸收和消除模式 
Test new drug products for stability and to determine absorption and elimination patterns 

* 协调新药物的临床研究 
Co-ordinate clinical investigations of new drugs 

* 控制生产过程中医药产品的质量,以确保它们符合效价,纯度,均匀性,稳定性和安全性的标准 
Control the quality of drug products during production to ensure that they meet standards of potency, purity, uniformity, stability and safety 

* 开发特定药物的用途,特性和风险有关的信息材料 
Develop information materials concerning the uses, properties and risks of particular drugs 

* 评估药物产品的标签,包装和广告 
Evaluate labelling, packaging and advertising of drug products 

* 向保健专业人员促销医药产品。 
Promote pharmaceutical products to health professionals. 

## 31120 药剂师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需是中药学科学学士学位。 
A bachelor of science degree in pharmacy is required. 

* 药剂师也要求在药剂师监督下的实践培训。 
Pharmacists also require practical training under the supervision of a pharmacist. 

* 各省和各地区的社区和医院药剂师要求持有执照 
Licensure is required in all provinces and territories for community and hospital pharmacists. 

## 31120 药剂师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 化学家 Chemists [2112](2112) 
* 首席药剂师(经理在医疗保健药房和药店董事) Chiefs of pharmacy and pharmacy directors (in [0311](0311) Managers in health care ) 
* 医药销售代表(技术销售专家 - 批发贸易) Pharmaceutical sales representatives (in [6221](6221) Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade ) 
* 药理学家(生物学家和相关科学家) Pharmacologists (in [2121](2121) Biologists and related scientists ) 
* 药剂助理(其他协助职业卫生服务的支持) Pharmacy assistants (in [3414](3414) Other assisting occupations in support of health services ) 
* 药房和药店经理(零售及批发贸易经理) Pharmacy and drugstore managers (in [0621](0621) Retail and wholesale trade managers ) 
* 药学技术人员(其他医疗技师和技术员(除了牙齿健康)) Pharmacy technicians (in [3219](3219) Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) ) 

## 31120 药剂师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 临床药师 clinical pharmacist 
* 社区药剂师 community pharmacist 
* 药房的部门主管 - 医院 dispensary department supervisor – hospital 
* 药物信息药剂师 drug information pharmacist 
* 药剂师 druggist 
* 医疗保健机构药剂师 health care institution pharmacist 
* 医院药剂师 hospital druggist 
* 医院药剂师 hospital pharmacist 
* 工业药剂师 industrial pharmacist 
* 实习药剂师 intern pharmacist 
* 药剂师 pharmacist 
* 药剂师顾问 pharmacist consultant 
* 注册药剂师 registered pharmacist 
* 零售药剂师 retail pharmacist  
