加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 52113 音频和视频录制技术人员

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员

发布时间:2020-07-27 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1865

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员 Audio and video recording technicians - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Audio and video recording technicians operate equipment to record, mix and edit sound, music and videotape, for motion pictures, television and radio programs, videos, recordings and live events. They are employed by multimedia companies, film, video and concert production companies, sound recording firms, theatre and dance companies, educational establishments, clubs, hotels, bands, radio stations, television networks and video production and editing companies. 

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 视听(AV)技术员 audiovisual (AV) technician 
* 多媒体音响技师 multimedia sound technician 
* 后期制作技师 postproduction technician 
* 无线电技师 radio technician 
* 录音师 recording engineer 
* 录音室技术员 recording studio technician 
* 音效编辑器 sound effects editor 
* 录音师 sound engineer 
* 调音台 sound mixer 
* 录音师 sound technician 
* 视频和声音记录员 video and sound recorder 
* 视频录音师 video recording technician 

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

音频和视频录制技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Audio and video recording technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 设置,准备,操作和调节音频,录音,编辑和重放设备来录制,编辑和复制磁带,唱片,光盘,数字音频设备的声音输入或预先录制的材料的馈送,并为电影,录像,广播和电视节目和唱片从现场麦克风、卫星或微波车输入 
Set up, prepare, operate and adjust audio, recording, editing and reproducing equipment to record, edit and reproduce sound input or feed of pre-recorded material from tapes, records, compact discs, digital audio devices, and input from live microphones, satellites or microwave trucks for films, videos, radio and television programs and recordings 

* 准备和操作录像带录制和播放设备来录制视频,电视节目,演唱会和现场活动,录制完后编辑录像带 
Prepare and operate videotape recording and playback equipment to record videos, television programs, concerts and live events, and to edit video tape after production 

* 操作电子设备来生产电视节目的片头,片尾,子标题,背景图形或动画 
Operate electronic equipment to generate program titles, credits, sub-titles, graphic backgrounds or animation for television programs 

* 操作音频游戏机或电脑,磁带机,麦克风和声音加工设备,来混合,组合和编辑音乐会和现场活动的音乐和声音 
Operate audio consoles or computers, tape machines, microphones and sound processing equipment to mix, combine and edit music and sound at concerts and live events 

* 操作复制机来播放来自不同源的编辑对话,音乐和声音效果轨道,保持与电影胶卷的同步 
Operate dubbing machines to play back edited dialogue, music and sound effect tracks from different sources, in synchronization with motion picture film 

* 可以监督和协调其他音频和视频录制技术人员的工作。 
May supervise and co-ordinate the work of other audio and video recording technicians. 

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 完成录音工程,视听技术或相关领域的大学或其他课程 
Completion of a college or other program in recording engineering, audiovisual technology or a related field 

* 通常需要录音棚助理的经验。 
Experience as a recording studio assistant is usually required. 

* 本单元组的高级职业,如录音和声音工程师,要求有经验。 
Senior occupations in this unit group, such as recording and sound engineers, require experience. 

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 广播技术员 Broadcast technicians [5224](5224) 
* 电影和视频的摄像头运营商 Film and video camera operators [5222](5222) 
* 电影编辑人员(制片人,导演,编舞和相关的职业) Film editors (in [5131]5131 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations ) 
* 其他技术和统筹职业运动图片,广播和表演艺术 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts [5226](5226) 
* 录音棚助理(支持职业在电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术) Recording studio assistants (in [5227](5227) Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts ) 

52113 音频和视频录制技术人员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理声音编辑 assistant sound editor 
* 音频工程师 - 录音棚 audio engineer – recording studio 
* 音频运营商 audio operator 
* 音频操作员助理 audio operator assistant 
* 录音工作室运营商 audio recording studio operator 
* 音频技术员 audio technician 
* 视听(AV)技术员 audiovisual (AV) technician 
* AV(视听)技术员 AV (audiovisual) technician 
* 彩色计时器 - 视频 colour timer – video 
* 数字特效专家 digital effects specialist 
* 配音机器操作员 dubbing machine operator 
* 编辑器,声音 editor, sound 
* 编辑,录像带 editor, videotape 
* 电子新闻采集(ENG)编辑器 electronic news gathering (ENG) editor 
* 电子视频图形运营商的 electronic video graphics operator 
* ENG(电子新闻采集)编辑器 ENG (electronic news gathering) editor 
* 电影技师 film technician 
* 电影技师 - 运动画面 film technician – motion picture 
* 主记录裁剪者 master record cutter 
* 调音技术员,音乐或声音 mixer, music or sound 
* 多媒体音响技师 multimedia sound technician 
* 多媒体音响特效总监 multimedia sound-effects supervisor 
* 音乐编辑 - 录音棚 music editor – recording studio 
* 音乐调音技术员 music mixer 
* 音乐或声音混频器 music or sound mixer 
* 操作员,P.A. (公网地址) operator, P.A. (public address) 
* 操作员,P.A. (公网地址)系统 operator, P.A. (public address) systems 
* 运营商,公共地址(“P.A.) operator, public address (P.A.) 
* 运营商,公共广播系统(P.A.“) operator, public address (P.A.) systems 
* P.A.“运算符(公网地址) P.A. (public address) operator 
* P.A.“ (公网地址)系统操作 P.A. (public address) system operator 
* 播放运营商 playback operator 
* 后期制作技师 postproduction technician 
* 生产录音师 production sound recordist 
* 公共地址(P.A.“)运算工 public address (P.A.) operator 
* 公共地址(“P.A.)系统操作 public address (P.A.) system operator 
* 收录机 radio recorder 
* 无线电技师 radio technician 
* 录音师 recording engineer 
* 录音室技术员 recording studio technician 
* 录音调音技术员 re-recording mixer 
* 声音裁剪者 sound cutter 
* 声音编辑 sound editor 
* 音效编辑 sound effects editor 
* 音效专家 sound effects specialist 
* 录音师 sound engineer 
* 录音师(专业工程师除外) sound engineer (except professional engineers) 
* 录音师助理 sound engineer assistant 
* 音控 sound keyer 
* 声音馆员 - 音频记录 sound librarian – audio-recording 
* 混音工程师 sound mix engineer 
* 调音技术员 sound mixer 
* 声符 sound operator 
* 录音机 sound recorder 
* 声录音师 sound recording engineer 
* 录音主管 sound recording supervisor 
* 录音师 sound recordist 
* 录音师 sound technician 
* 声音记录和视频记录再现设备操作 sound-recording and video-recording reproduction equipment operator 
* 声音录制设备操作员 sound-recording equipment operator 
* 立体声磁带编辑器 stereo tape editor 
* 影楼经营者,录音 studio operator, audio recording 
* 主管,录音 supervisor, sound recording 
* 视频和声音记录 video and sound recorder 
* 录像机 video recorder 
* 视频录音师 video recording technician 
* 视频调音台 video sound mixer 
* 视频技术员 video technician 
* 视频编辑设备操作员 video-editing equipment operator 
* 视频记录设备操作员 video-recording equipment operator 
* 录像带编辑 videotape editor 
* 录像带后期制作编辑 videotape postproduction editor 
* 录像带记录(VTR)编辑 videotape recording (VTR) editor 
* 录像带记录(VTR)运算符 videotape recording (VTR) operator 
* 录像带技师 videotape technician 
* VTR(录相)编辑 VTR (videotape recording) editor 
* VTR(录相)运算员 VTR (videotape recording) operator  
