加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2025-03-03 1255

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女 Railway conductors and brakemen/women - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Railway conductors co-ordinate and supervise the activities of passenger and freight train crew members. Brakemen check train brakes and other systems and equipment prior to train run, and assist railway conductors in activities en route. They are employed by railway transport companies. 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 司闸员/男/女 brakeman/woman 
* 指挥官 - 交换站场 conductor – switching yard 
* 货运列车的列车长 freight train conductor 
* 前端司闸员/男/女 front-end brakeman/woman 
* 客运列车的列车长 passenger train conductor 
* 铁路指挥官 railway conductor 
* 公路货运司闸员/男/女 road freight brakeman/woman 
* 尾部司闸员/男/女 tail-end brakeman/woman 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 铁路指挥官执行部分或全部下列职责:Railway conductors perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督和协调客运和货运列车机组人员的活动(机车工程师除外) ,以确保列车运营与时间表,列车顺序和运行规则 代码保持一致。 
Supervise and co-ordinate the activities of passenger and freight train crew members (except locomotive engineers) to ensure train operations are in accordance with schedule, train orders and code of operating rules 

* 接收列车命令,并向列车机务员/男/女,机车工程师和机组其他成员解释命令 
Receive train orders and explain orders to brakemen/women, locomotive engineer and other crew members 

* 通过无线电信号与列车乘务组成员沟通,或通过其他方式给予和接受列车运行信息 
Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to give and receive train operation information 

* 收集上车旅客的车票费用,宣布即将到达车站,并解答乘客的查询 
Collect fares on board passenger trains, announce approaching train stops and answer passenger enquiries 

* 编制列车运行报告。 
Prepare train run reports. 

### 列车机务员/男/女执行部分或全部下列职责:Brakemen/women perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 列车运行前检查列车系统和设备,如空调和供暖系统,制动器和制动软管 
Check train systems and equipment such as air conditioning and heating systems, brakes and brake hoses prior to train run 

* 通过无线电,信号或以其他方式与列车机组人员沟通,以帮助火车的运动和操作 
Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to aid in the movement and operation of train 

* 接收交通管制员的命令,观察信号和轨道条件并开放,和关闭轨道开关 
Receive orders from traffic controllers, observe signals and track conditions and open and close track switches 

* 设置并释放手制动器,并连接空气制动软管以连接和转换客运或货运车,按照要求对联轴器,空气软管和轮毂轴承箱进行小修补 
Set and release hand brakes and connect air brake hoses to couple and switch passenger or freight cars, making minor repairs to couplings, air hoses and wheel-bearing boxes as required 

* 协助收取车费,并帮助乘客上下火车。 
Assist in collecting fares and helping passengers on and off train. 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 指挥官必需具备司闸员/男/女的经验。 
Experience as a brakeman/woman is required for conductors. 

* 列车机务员/男/女通常需要铁路工人的经验。 
Experience as a railway worker is usually required for brakemen/women. 

* 铁路指挥官需要加拿大铁路运营规则证书。 
Railway conductors require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate. 

* 司闸员需要加拿大列车机务员/男/女工作规则证书。 
Brakemen/women require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate. 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,列车机务员/男/女可能晋升到铁路指挥官。 
With experience, brakemen/women may progress to railway conductors. 

* 随着经验的积累,铁路指挥官可能晋升到机车工程师。 
With experience, railway conductors may progress to locomotive engineers. 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 铁路和站场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers [7361](7361) 
* 主管,铁路运输业务 Supervisors, railway transport operations [7304](7304) 

73311 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 制动工人 - 调车场 brake worker – switching yard 
* 司闸员/男/女 brakeman/woman 
* 司闸员/男/女 - 铁路 brakeman/woman – railway 
* 司闸员/男/女 - 铁路站场 brakeman/woman – railway yard 
* 司闸员/男/女 - 调车场 brakeman/woman – switching yard 
* 指挥官 - 铁路站场 conductor – railway yard 
* 指挥官 - 公路货运 conductor – road freight 
* 指挥官 - 交换码 conductor – switching yard 
* 指挥官,客运列车 conductor, passenger train 
* 指挥官,铁路 conductor, railway 
* 货运列车司闸员/男/女 freight train brakeman/woman 
* 货运列车的列车长 freight train conductor 
* 前端司闸员/男/女 front-end brakeman/woman 
* 头司闸员/男/女 head brakeman/woman 
* 客运列车司闸员/男/女 passenger train brakeman/woman 
* 客运列车的列车长 passenger train conductor 
* 普尔曼指挥官 pullman conductor 
* 铁路指挥官 railway conductor 
* 公路货运司闸员/男/女 road freight brakeman/woman 
* 睡车厢列车员 sleeping car conductor 
* 尾部司闸员/男/女 tail-end brakeman/woman 
* 火车售票员 train conductor  
