加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2025-03-17 1257

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Taxi and limousine drivers drive automobiles and limousines to transport passengers. Chauffeurs drive automobiles and limousines to transport personnel and visitors of businesses, government or other organizations or members of private households. Taxi and limousine drivers are employed by taxi and other transportation service companies, or they may be self-employed. Chauffeurs are employed by businesses, government and other organizations, or private individuals or families. 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 机场轿车司机 airport limousine driver 
* 公司司机 company chauffeur 
* 轿车司机 limousine driver 
* 私人司机 private chauffeur 
* 出租车司机 taxi driver 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 出租车和豪华轿车司机执行部分或全部下列职责:Taxi and limousine drivers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 接乘客并用出租车或豪华轿车将其送到目的地 
Pick up passengers and drive them to destinations in taxicabs or limousines 

* 帮助乘客提行李以及上下车辆,并协助有特殊需要的乘客 
Help passengers with luggage and with boarding and exiting vehicles and assist passengers with special needs 

* 收取固定费率或的士计程表收费 
Collect flat-rate or taximeter fares 

* 保持旅游日志并记录现金和信用卡交易 
Maintain travel logs and record cash and credit transactions 

* 保持与出租车调度部门的联系 
Maintain contact with taxi dispatch unit 

* 清洁和小型维修车辆或对车辆进行服务 
Clean and make minor repairs to vehicle or take vehicle for servicing 

* 可能按照要求提供上门取货及送货服务。 
May provide pick up and delivery services on request. 

### 司机执行部分或全部下列职责:Chauffeurs perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 根据要求,指派或时间表接送或会见雇主 
Pick up or meet employer according to request, appointment or schedule 

* 驾驶汽车或豪华轿车运送雇主到达目的地 
Drive employer to destinations in automobile or limousine 

* 为雇主执行企业和个人跑腿,如交付和接收电子邮件,商务文件和包裹 
Perform business and personal errands for employer such as delivering and picking up mail, business documents and parcels 

* 清洁,并对车辆进行小修小补或对车辆进行维修。 
Clean and make minor repairs to vehicle or take vehicle for servicing. 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要一些中学教育。 
Some secondary school education is usually required. 

* 通常需要最少一年的安全驾驶经验。 
A minimum of one year of safe driving experience is usually required. 

* 在安大略省要求具备G类驾驶执照, 在所有其他省份和地区需要4类驾驶执照。 
A Class G driver's licence is required in Ontario, and a Class 4 driver's licence is required in all other provinces and the territories. 

* 出租车和豪华轿车司机要求相当熟悉所覆盖的地理区域,可能要求通过有关街道/建筑物的位置和安全内容的书面测验。 
Taxi and limousine drivers require good knowledge of the geographical area to be covered and may have to pass written street/building location and safety examinations. 

* 出租车司机通常需要市级许可证。 
Taxi drivers usually require a municipal permit. 

* 可能需要急救认证。 
First aid certification may be required. 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,出租车或轿车驾驶员有可能成为专职司机。 
Mobility from taxi or limousine driver to chauffeur is possible with experience. 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 主管,汽车运输和其他地面交通运营 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators [7305](7305) 
* 出租车调度员( 调度员)Taxi dispatchers (in [1525](1525) Dispatchers ) 

75200 出租车和豪华轿车驾驶员和司机职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 机场轿车司机 airport limousine driver 
* 司机,私人家庭 chauffeur, private household 
* 公司司机 company chauffeur 
* 司机,殡仪服务 driver, funeral services 
* 司机,灵车 driver, hearse 
* 司机,出租车 driver, taxi 
* 司机,出租车 driver, taxicab 
* 葬礼司机 funeral chauffeur 
* 葬礼司机 funeral driver 
* 灵车司机 hearse driver 
* 轿车司机 limousine driver 
* 私人司机 private chauffeur 
* 出租车司机 taxi driver 
* 出租车业主运营商 taxi owner-operator 
* 出租车司机 taxicab driver  

