加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 83100 地下生产和开发矿工

83100 地下生产和开发矿工

发布时间:2020-07-28 复查时间: 2024-10-14 1338

83100 地下生产和开发矿工 Underground production and development miners - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Underground production and development miners drill, blast, operate mining machinery, and perform related duties to extract coal and ore in underground mines and to construct tunnels, passageways and shafts to facilitate mining operations. They are employed by coal, metal and non-metallic mineral underground mines and by specialized contractors in mine construction, shaft sinking and tunnelling. 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 爆破工 - 地下开采 blaster – underground mining 
* 溜槽爆破工 - 地下开采 chute blaster – underground mining 
* 金刚石钻探工 - 地下开采 diamond driller – underground mining 
* 巷道掘进工 drift miner 
* 钻探工 - 地下开采 driller – underground mining 
* 硬岩矿工学徒 hardrock miner apprentice 
* 起重机运营商 - 地下开采 hoist operator – underground mining 
* 矿工 miner 
* 矿山机器操作员 mining machine operator 
* 爆破员/男/女 - 地下开采 powderman/woman – underground mining 
* 高地矿工 raise miner 
* 掘进机操作员 roadheader operator 
* 铲运机操作员 scooptram operator 
* 轴巡视员 shaft inspector 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

* 地下生产和开发矿工执行部分或全部下列职责:Underground production and development miners perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 装配和操作钻头和钻井机生产指定的爆破孔模式 
Set up and operate drills and drilling machines to produce a designated pattern of blasting holes 

* 操作金刚石钻头或其他专门的钻头,如高地枯燥的机械,测试地质构造或挖掘地下通道 
Operate diamond drills or other specialized drills such as raise boring machinery to test geological formations or to produce underground passageways 

* 设置和操作矿山机械剪切工作面的煤炭,岩石或矿石 
Set up and operate mining machinery to shear coal, rock or ore from the working face 

* 在地下矿井装载炸药,集保险丝,引爆炸药生产所需的爆破模式和岩石碎片 
Load explosives, set fuses, and detonate explosives to produce desired blasting patterns and rock fragmentation in underground mines 

* 操作铲运机,负载铲运机LHD机或装渣机装载和拖运矿石从工作面,巷道和放矿点到矿石通道 
Operate scooptram, load-haul-dump (LHD) machine or mucking machine to load and haul ore from stopes, drifts and drawpoints to ore passes 

* 履行职责,以确保安全和支援前进式采矿,如缩放松散的岩石墙壁和屋顶,钻孔和安装锚杆,延伸和安装空气和水管道,操作矿石装载机械,巡查矿井,通过矿井的人员操作输送人员的起重机,设备和材料,如需要的话建造木材支架和井框支架。 
Perform duties required to ensure safety and to support the mining advance, such as scaling loose rock from walls and roof, drilling and installing rock bolts, extending and installing air and water pipes, operating ore loading machinery, inspecting mine shafts, operating hoists that transport people, equipment and materials through mine shafts, and constructing timber supports and cribbing if required 

* 对矿山机械进行日常维护。 
Perform routine maintenance of mining machinery. 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常提供6周多的正规培训,随后提供长期的专门训练作为辅助或支持职业。 
Formal training of up to six weeks followed by extended periods of specialized training as a helper or in support occupations is usually provided. 

* 煤矿工人或其他矿山职业通常要求有经验。 
Previous experience as a mine labourer or in other mine occupations is usually required. 

* 可能需要省级爆破许可证。 
Provincial blasting licence may be required. 

* 在安大略省,基本的共同核心课程或地下坚硬的岩石矿工可能要进行认证。 
May be certified in the basic common core program or as an underground hard rock miner in Ontario. 

* 矿工行业认证是可用的,而在魁北克省和马尼托巴省是自愿的。 
Trade certification for miners is available, but voluntary, in Quebec and Manitoba. 

* 本单元组的职业通常要求具备公司许可或证明。 
Company licensing or certification is often required for occupations in this unit group. 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工* 可能需要急救证书。 - Immiknow NOC 

Certificate in first aid may be required. 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 地下采矿等职业群体,如地下服务和支持职业可能具备流动性。 
Mobility is possible to other occupational groups in underground mining such as underground service and support occupations. 

* 以下三个部门的雇主之间具有流动性:地下煤炭开采,地下坚硬的岩石开采和地下钾肥,盐或开采软岩石 
There is mobility between employers within each of the three following sectors: underground coal mining, underground hard rock mining and underground potash, salt or soft rock mining. 

* 以下三个部门之间因生产技术上的差异使得流动性受到某种程度的局限 
Mobility between these sectors is somewhat limited by differences in production technologies. 

* 随着经验积累有可能晋升为采矿主管。 
Progression to mining supervisor is possible with experience. 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 钻井工和爆破员 - 露天采矿,采石和建筑 Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction [7372](7372) 
* 煤矿工人 Mine labourers [8614](8614) 
* 主管,采矿和采石业 Supervisors, mining and quarrying [8221](8221) 
* 地下矿山的服务和支持人员 Underground mine service and support workers [8411](8411) 

83100 地下生产和开发矿工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 学徒矿工 apprentice miner 
* 台阶爆破工 - 地下开采 bench blaster – underground mining 
* 爆破孔钻探工 - 地下开采 blast hole driller – underground mining 
* 爆破工 - 地下开采 blaster – underground mining 
* 钻探工 - 地下开采 blockholer – underground mining 
* 锚杆钻机操作员 - 地下开采 bolter operator – underground mining 
* 盐井招标 brine well tender 
* 溜槽爆破工 chute blaster 
* 溜槽爆破工 - 地下开采 chute blaster – underground mining 
* 煤矿工人 coal miner 
* 连续采矿机运营商 continuous mining machine operator 
* 核心钻探工 core driller 
* 核心钻探工 - 地下开采 core driller – underground mining 
* 核心钻机操作员 core-drill operator 
* 核心钻机操作员 - 地下开采 core-drill operator – underground mining 
* 切割机操作员 - 地下开采 cutting machine operator – underground mining 
* 开发矿工 development miner 
* 金刚石钻探工 - 地下开采 diamond driller – underground mining 
* 金刚石钻机操作员 diamond-drill operator 
* 金刚石钻头操作员 - 地下开采 diamond-drill runner – underground mining 
* 钻石点钻机操作员 diamond-point drill operator 
* 柴油装载工/男/女 - 地下开采 diesel loaderman/woman – underground mining 
* 井下装载工 - 地下开采 downhole loader – underground mining 
* 巷道钻探工 - 地下开采 drift driller – underground mining 
* 巷道矿工 drift miner 
* 钻探工 - 地下开采 driller – underground mining 
* 钻探工,巷道 - 地下开采 driller, drift – underground mining 
* 钻探工,长洞 - 地下开采 driller, long-hole – underground mining 
* 钻探工,旋转高地 - 地下开采 driller, rotary raise – underground mining 
* 钻孔机操作员 - 地下开采 drilling machine operator – underground mining 
* 男/女 - 采煤工/煤矿 faceman/woman – coal mine 
* 挂断爆破工 - 地下开采 hang-up blaster – underground mining 
* 硬岩矿工 hardrock miner 
* 硬岩矿工学徒 hardrock miner apprentice 
* 高薪爆破工 high-raise blaster 
* 起重机运营商 - 地下开采 hoist operator – underground mining 
* 起重机操作员 /男/女地下开采 hoistman/woman underground mining 
* 液压煤炭显示器运营商 hydraulic coal monitor operator 
* 在孔钻机操作员 - 地下开采 in-hole drill operator – underground mining 
* ITH孔钻探工 ITH (in-the-hole) driller 
* 插孔腿钻机操作员 - 地下开采 jack leg drill operator – underground mining 
* 巨型钻机操作员 jumbo drill operator 
* 巨型钻运营商 - 地下开采 jumbo drill operator – underground mining 
* 负载铲运机LHD运算符 - 地下开采 LHD (load-haul-dump) operator – underground mining 
* 装载工 /男/女,柴油 - 地下开采 loaderman/woman, diesel – underground mining 
* 负载铲运机LHD的运营商 - 地下开采 load-haul-dump (LHD) operator – underground mining 
* 装载机器操作员 - 地下开采 loading machine operator – underground mining 
* 长孔爆破工 - 地下开采 long-hole blaster – underground mining 
* 长孔钻探工 - 地下开采 long-hole driller – underground mining 
* 长壁采煤机操作员 longwall coal shearer operator 
* 矿工 miner 
* 矿山机器操作员 mining machine operator 
* 装岩工 - 地下开采 mucker – underground mining 
* 装渣机操作员 mucking machine operator 
* 装渣机器操作员 - 地下开采 mucking machine operator – underground mining 
* 钾肥矿工 potash miner 
* 爆破工 /男/女 - 地下开采 powderman/woman – underground mining 
* 生产钻探工 production driller 
* 生产装载机操作员 production loader operator 
* 生产矿工 production miner 
* 提高掘进机操作员 - 地下采矿 raise boring machine operator – underground mining 
* 高地钻探工 - 地下开采 raise driller – underground mining 
* 高山矿工 raise miner 
* 高地工人 /男/女 raiseman/woman 
* 环钻运营商 ring drill operator 
* 掘进机操作员 roadheader operator 
* 锚杆冲击机 rockbolter 
* 锚杆机 roof bolter 
* 旋转加薪钻 - 地下开采 rotary raise driller – underground mining 
* 舀运营商 - 地下开采 scoop operator – underground mining 
* 铲运机操作员 scooptram operator 
* 铲运机运营商 - 地下开采 scooptram operator – underground mining 
* 轴钻探员 shaft driller 
* 轴巡视员 shaft inspector 
* 轴矿工 shaft miner 
* 采煤机运营商 - 地下开采 shearer operator – underground mining 
* 剪切机操作员 - 地下开采 shearing machine operator – underground mining 
* 引爆手 shot firer 
* 引爆手 - 地下开采 shot firer – underground mining 
* 引爆手 /男/女 - 地下开采 shotman/woman – underground mining 
* 铲泥机运营商 - 地下开采 slusher operator – underground mining 
* 软岩矿工 soft rock miner 
* 回采工作面钻井工 - 地下开采 stope driller – underground mining 
* 回采工作面矿工 stope miner 
* 下刻运营商 - 地下开采 undercutter operator – underground mining 
* 旅行车钻机操作员 - 地下开采 wagon drill operator – underground mining  
