加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 94152 装订和后整理机器操作员

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员

发布时间:2020-07-29 复查时间: 2025-03-24 1430

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员 Binding and finishing machine operators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Binding and finishing machine operators set up, operate or oversee the operation of machines, equipment or computerized units that bind and finish printed material. Workers who perform finishing operations in the paper, carton and packaging industries, as well as those who encode and stamp plastic cards, are included in this unit group. They are employed by binderies, commercial printing companies, newspapers, magazines, and other publishing companies, and establishments in both the public and private sectors that have in-house printing, binding and finishing departments. 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* Cerlox粘结剂运营商 Cerlox binder operator 
* 粘合工 - 印刷 binder – printing 
* 粘合剂和装订工 binder and finisher 
* 装订运营商 bindery operator 
* 胶订工,机 bookbinder, machine 
* 装订机操作员 bookbinding machine operator 
* 切割机运营商 - 印刷 cutter operator – printing 
* 整理机器操作员 - 印刷 finishing machine operator – printing 
* 箔压模工 foil stamper – printing 
* 采集机设置运营商 - 印刷 gathering machine set-up operator – printing 
* 金箔盖印人 gold leaf stamper 
* 覆膜机操作员 laminating machine operator 
* 穿孔运营商 - 印刷 perforator operator – printing 
* 印刷装订运营商 - stitcher operator – printing 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

装订和后整理机器操作员执行部分或全部下列职责:Binding and finishing machine operators perform some or all of the following duties: 

Set up and operate specialized equipment and machines that cut, fold, gather and bind or finish brochures, pamphlets, business forms, magazines, books and other printed material 

Set up and operate specialized equipment and machines that die cut, emboss, imprint, laminate, heat stamp and perform other finishing operations on printed material 

Perform pre-production runs of binding or finishing jobs to verify output and to ensure that product specifications are met 

Operate automatic and semi-automatic equipment and machines to bind or finish print material according to specifications 

Pack, weigh and stack bound and finished products on pallet for shipment 

May repair and rebind damaged or worn books. 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

Completion of a college program in graphic arts technology 

A combination of on-the-job training and specialized college, industry or other courses is usually required. 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

There is some mobility among various types of binding and finishing machine operator occupations in this group. 

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 添料工,装载工,调整员和类似的职业( 其他劳动者在加工,制造和公用事业) Feeders, loaders, offbearers and similar occupations (in [9619](9619) Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities ) 
* 手工装订工( 工匠和工匠) Hand bookbinders (in [5224](5244) Artisans and craftspersons ) 
* 印刷机操作员 Printing press operators (7381
* 主管,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations [7303](7303) 

94152 装订和后整理机器操作员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理粘合工 assistant binder 
* 助理胶订工 assistant bookbinder 
* 粘合工 - 印刷 binder – printing 
* 粘合剂和装订 binder and finisher 
* 粘合剂和印刷装订器 - binder and finisher – printing 
* 粘结剂助理 binder assistant 
* 粘结工,机 - 印刷 binder, machine – printing 
* 运营商 - 印刷装订机 bindery machine operator – printing 
* 装订运营商 bindery operator 
* 印刷装订工人 - bindery worker – printing 
* 装订和后整理机器操作员 binding and finishing machine operator 
* 阻断印刷机操作员 - 印刷 blocking press operator – printing 
* 阻断印刷机盖印人 - 印刷 blocking press stamper – printing 
* 书装订工 - 印刷 book finisher – printing 
* 剪书 book trimmer 
* 胶订工 - 打印 bookbinder – printing 
* 胶订机助手 bookbinder assistant 
* 胶订工,机 bookbinder, machine 
* 装订机操作员 bookbinding machine operator 
* 图书切割机操作员 book-cutting machine operator 
* 图书缝纫机操作员 - 印刷 book-sewing machine operator – printing 
* 古铜色 - 印刷 bronzer – printing 
* 古铜色,机 - 印刷 bronzer, machine – printing 
* 烫金机管理员 - 印刷 bronzing machine tender – printing 
* 套管机设置操作员 - 打印 casing-in machine set-up operator – printing 
* 外壳机器管理员 - 打印 casing-in machine tender – printing 
* Cerlox粘结剂运营商 Cerlox binder operator 
* Cerlox粘结剂运营商 - 印刷 Cerlox binder operator – printing 
* 整理机器操作员 - 印刷 collating machine operator – printing 
* 配页机和糊盒机,机 - 印刷 collator and gluer, machine – printing 
* 连续胶机运营商 - 印刷 continuous glue machine operator – printing 
* 覆面机操作员 - 印刷 covering machine operator – printing 
* 信用卡模切机操作员 - 印刷 credit card die-cutter operator – printing 
* 切割机运营商 - 印刷 cutter operator – printing 
* 切割者,铡 - 印刷 cutter, guillotine – printing 
* 切割着,机 - 印刷 cutter, machine – printing 
* 切割机操作员 - 印刷 cutting machine operator – printing 
* 切割机操作员,书籍 cutting machine operator, books 
* 设计和刻字印刷盖印人 - design and lettering stamper – printing 
* 模切或模具编号印刷机操作员 - 印刷 die-cutting or die-numbering press operator – printing 
* 压板盖印人切运营商 - 印刷 die-cutting platen press operator – printing 
* 压花印刷机操作员 - 印刷 embossing press operator – printing 
* 压花按管理员 - 印刷 embossing press tender – printing 
* 压花/编码机管理员 - 印刷 embossing/encoding machine tender – printing 
* 整理机器操作员 - 印刷 finishing machine operator – printing 
* 箔压模工 foil stamper – printing 
* 铝箔冲盖印人板印刷机操作员 foil-stamping platen press operator 
* 折叠机操作者 - 印刷 folder operator – printing 
* 折叠工,机器 - 印刷 folder, machine – printing 
* 折页机操作员 - 印刷 folding machine operator – printing 
* 采集和糊盒工,机 - 印刷 gatherer and gluer, machine – printing 
* 采集机运营商 - 印刷 gathering machine operator – printing 
* 采集机设置运营商 - 印刷 gathering machine set-up operator – printing 
* 糊盒工,头带衬垫 - 印刷 gluer, headbands and liners – printing 
* 胶合和折叠机运营商 - 印刷 gluing and folding machine operator – printing 
* 金箔盖印人 gold leaf stamper 
* 金箔盖印人 - 印刷 gold leaf stamper – printing 
* 闸裁剪者 - 印刷 guillotine cutter – printing 
* 断头台运营商 - 印刷 guillotine operator – printing 
* 手工装订工 - 绑定 hand stitcher – binding 
* 头带和内衬糊盒工 - 印刷 headband and liner gluer – printing 
* 全息图压印机管理员 hologram-imprinting machine tender 
* 工业粘合工 - 印刷 industrial binder – printing 
* 插入机器操作员 - 印刷 inserting machine operator – printing 
* 覆膜机操作员 laminating machine operator 
* 覆膜机运营商 - 印刷 laminating machine operator – printing 
* 机粘结工 - 印刷 machine binder – printing 
* 机胶订机 machine bookbinder 
* 机古铜色 - 印刷 machine bronzer – printing 
* 机配页机和糊盒机 - 印刷 machine collator and gluer – printing 
* 机器裁纸工 - 印刷 machine cutter – printing 
* 机夹 - 印刷 machine folder – printing 
* 机器采集工和糊盒工 - 印刷 machine gatherer and gluer – printing 
* 机器操作员,具约束力及整理 machine operator, binding and finishing 
* 机侧装订工 - 印刷 machine side stitcher – printing 
* 机装订工 - 结合 machine stitcher – binding 
* 号码机运营商 - 印刷 numbering machine operator – printing 
* 运营商,装订 operator, bindery 
* 运营商,装订机 - 印刷 operator, bindery machine – printing 
* 运营商,装订和后整理机 operator, binding and finishing machine 
* 运营商,装订机 operator, bookbinding machine 
* 运营商,切书机 operator, book-cutting machine 
* 运营商,书缝纫机 - 印刷 operator, book-sewing machine – printing 
* 运营商, Cerlox粘结剂 - 印刷 operator, Cerlox binder – printing 
* 运营商,整理机 - 印刷 operator, collating machine – printing 
* 运营商,连续胶水机 - 印刷 operator, continuous glue machine – printing 
* 运营商,覆盖机 - 印刷 operator, covering machine – printing 
* 运营商,信用卡模切机 - 印刷 operator, credit card die cutter – printing 
* 运营商,刀具 - 印刷 operator, cutter – printing 
* 运营商,切割机 - 印刷 operator, cutting machine – printing 
* 运营商,模切或死编号印刷机 - 印刷 operator, die-cutting or die-numbering press – printing 
* 操作员,模切板压机 operator, die-cutting platen press 
* 运营商,压花压 - 印刷 operator, embossing press – printing 
* 运营商,整理机 - 印刷 operator, finishing machine – printing 
* 运营商,铝箔冲压板压机 operator, foil-stamping platen press 
* 运营商,文件夹 - 印刷 operator, folder – printing 
* 运营商,折页机 - 印刷 operator, folding machine – printing 
* 操作员,采集机 - 印刷 operator, gathering machine – printing 
* 运营商,胶合和折叠机 - 印刷 operator, gluing and folding machine – printing 
* 运营商,断头台 - 印刷 operator, guillotine – printing 
* 运营商,插入机 - 印刷 operator, inserting machine – printing 
* 运营商,覆膜机 - 打印 operator, laminating machine – printing 
* 运营商,号码机 - 打印 operator, numbering machine – printing 
* 运营商,完美的粘合剂 - 印刷 operator, perfect binder – printing 
* 运营商,穿孔 - 印刷 operator, perforator – printing 
* 运营商,舍入和背衬机 - 印刷 operator, rounding and backing machine – printing 
* 运营商,鞍式装订机 - 印刷 operator, saddle stitching machine – printing 
* 运营商,侧面拼接机 - 印刷 operator, side stitching machine – printing 
* 运营商,印刷装订机 - operator, stitcher – printing 
* 运营商,订书机剪 - 印刷 operator, stitcher-trimmer – printing 
* 完美的粘合剂运营商 - 印刷 perfect-binder operator – printing 
* 完美粘结剂设置运营商 - 印刷 perfect-binder set-up operator – printing 
* 打孔机运营商 - 印刷 perforating machine operator – printing 
* 打孔机管理员 - 印刷 perforating machine tender – printing 
* 穿孔运营商 - 印刷 perforator operator – printing 
* 穿孔管理员 - 印刷 perforator tender – printing 
* 压板印刷机操作员,模切 platen press operator, die cutting 
* 压板按运营商,烫金 platen press operator, foil stamping 
* 印刷机操作员,模切或死亡的编号 - 印刷 press operator, die-cutting or die-numbering – printing 
* 按运营商 - 印刷,压花 press operator, embossing – printing 
* 舍入和后盾机器操作员 - 印刷 rounding and backing machine operator – printing 
* 鞍式装订机操作员 - 印刷 saddle stitching machine operator – printing 
* 鞍缝合机设置运营商 - 印刷 saddle stitching machine set-up operator – printing 
* 建立运营商,套管机 - 印刷 set-up operator, casing-in machine – printing 
* 设置操作员,采集机 - 打印 set-up operator, gathering machine – printing 
* 建立运营商,完美的粘合剂 - 印刷 set-up operator, perfect binder – printing 
* 设置操作员,骑马钉装订机 - 印刷 set-up operator, saddle stitching machine – printing 
* 设置操作员,缝合机 - 打印 set-up operator, stitching machine – printing 
* 边装订机哥,机 side stitcher, machine 
* 侧缝合机运营商 - 印刷 side stitching machine operator – printing 
* 螺旋装订机操作员 - 印刷 spiral binding machine operator – printing 
* 螺旋装订的印刷工人 - spiral binding worker – printing 
* 盖印人,封锁新闻 - 印刷 stamper, blocking press – printing 
* 盖印人,设计和印刷刻字 - stamper, design and lettering – printing 
* 盖印人,黄金叶 - 印刷 stamper, gold-leaf – printing 
* 冲压运营商 - 印刷 stamping press operator – printing 
* 印刷装订运营商 - stitcher operator – printing 
* 订书机设置运营商 - 印刷 stitcher set-up operator – printing 
* 订书机,手 - 结合 stitcher, hand – binding 
* 订书机,机 - 结合 stitcher, machine – binding 
* 订书机-修整机运营商 - 印刷 stitcher-trimmer operator – printing 
* 缝合机操作员 - 印刷 stitching machine operator – printing 
* 缝合机设置运营商 - 印刷 stitching machine set-up operator – printing 
* 管理员,烫金机 - 印刷 tender, bronzing machine – printing 
* 管理员,套管机 - 打印 tender, casing-in machine – printing 
* 管理员,压花机 - 打印 tender, embossing press – printing 
* 管理员,压花/编码机 tender, embossing/encoding machine 
* 管理员,全息图压印机 tender, hologram-imprinting machine 
* 管理员,打孔机 - 打印 tender, perforating machine – printing 
* 修整者,书籍 trimmer, books  
