加拿大移民 > 职业列表 > 95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力

发布时间:2020-07-29 复查时间: 2025-02-03 1379

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL D 


Labourers in this unit group carry out a variety of general labouring and routine wood processing activities and assist pulp mill and papermaking machine operators. They are employed by pulp and paper, and paper converting companies, sawmills, planing mills, wood treatment plants, waferboard plants and other wood processing companies. 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 打浆机操作帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 beater operator helper – pulp and paper 
* 的木片仓服务员 - 木材加工 chip bin attendant – wood processing 
* 输送机清洁工 - 纸浆和造纸 conveyor cleaner – pulp and paper 
* 新材测链员/男/女 - 木材加工 green wood chainman/woman – wood processing 
* 磨床送料工 - 纸浆和造纸 grinder feeder – pulp and paper 
* 劳动者 - 纸浆和造纸 labourer – pulp and paper 
* 劳动者 - 木材加工 labourer – wood processing 
* 木材矫直工 - 木材加工 lumber straightener – wood processing 
* 胶合板烘干机给料工 plywood dryer feeder 
* 切纸机帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 sheeter helper – pulp and paper 
* 通用工 男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 utility man/woman – pulp and paper 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组劳动者执行部分或全部下列职责:Labourers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 将木材填送到输送机上以及填进研磨机进料斗内,并且手动,使用撬棍,船只或其他工具和设备,将木材对齐 
Feed logs onto conveyor and into hopper of grinding machine and align logs manually, using crowbar, picaroon or other tools and equipment 

* 装载木片,纸浆,硫磺等加工材料到输送机或处理池,除去纸浆和造纸机上的可回收纸张和纸浆,并使用叉车或其他电力设备运输可回收纸张和纸浆到工厂加工机器和设备处 
Load wood chips, pulpwood, sulphur and other processing materials onto conveyors or processing tanks, remove recyclable paper and pulp from pulp and papermaking machines and transport recyclable paper and pulp to plant processing machines and equipment using forklift or other powered equipment 

* 在木材加工过程中的各个阶段,手动或使用电力设备,排序,堆集和运输木材,薄板,配电板和类似的木制品 
Sort, pile and transport lumber, veneer sheets, panelboards and similar wood products during various stages of wood processing, manually or with powered equipment 

* 使用叉车或其他电动设备移除废旧木材和木屑,进行再加工处理 
Remove scrap lumber and wood chips for reprocessing using forklift or other powered equipment 

* 为输送机,锯,烘干机和其他设备进料,处理木材,带墙面板,单板,胶合板及类似木制品 
Feed conveyors, saws, drying machines and other equipment to process lumber, shingles, veneer, plywood and similar wood products 

* 使用铁锹,软管和其他工具清洁木材加工机器和设备以及工作区 
Clean wood processing machines and equipment and work areas using shovels, hoses and other tools 

* 协助其他木材加工工人操作,维护和修理各种机器和设备,并开展其他木材加工活动。 
Assist other wood processing workers to operate, maintain and repair various machines and equipment and carry out other wood processing activities. 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 纸浆和造纸行业和其他大型雇主要求完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required by the pulp and paper industry and by other large employers. 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 个别机构内的工作之间有相当大的流动性。 
There is considerable mobility among jobs within individual establishments. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到机器或设备的操作职位。 
Progression to machine or plant operating positions is possible with experience. 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 机器操作员及有关人员在纸浆和纸张生产和木材加工及制造 Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing [943](943) 
* 主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing [9215](9215) 

95103 木材,纸浆和纸加工劳动力职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 服务员,木片 - 木材加工 attendant, chip bin – wood processing 
* 制袋机管理员帮手 bag-making machine tender helper 
* 吠机清洗工 - 木材加工 barking machine cleaner – wood processing 
* 打浆机帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 beater helper – pulp and paper 
* 打浆机操作帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 beater operator helper – pulp and paper 
* 螺栓装载工 - 锯木厂 bolt loader – sawmill 
* 破碎者 - 纸浆和造纸 broke hustler – pulp and paper 
* 棕色股票垫圈帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 brown stock washer helper – pulp and paper 
* 斜面装载者 - 木材加工 cant loader – wood processing 
* 汽车堆垛工 - 木材加工 car stacker – wood processing 
* 纸箱成型工,给料机 carton-forming machine feeder 
* 链式输送机管理员 - 锯木厂 chain conveyor tender – sawmill 
* 链式输送机管理员 - 木材加工 chain conveyor tender – wood processing 
* 测链员/男/女 - 木材加工 chainman/woman – wood processing 
* 木片仓服务员 - 木材加工 chip bin attendant – wood processing 
* 芯片转储运营商 - 木材加工 chip dump operator – wood processing 
* 芯片筒仓服务员 - 木材加工 chip silo attendant – wood processing 
* 的芯片存储服务员 - 木材加工 chip storage attendant – wood processing 
* 涂布机帮手 coating machine helper 
* 组合机床帮手 combiner machine helper 
* 输送清洁工 - 纸浆和造纸 conveyor cleaner – pulp and paper 
* 皱眉操作帮手 corrugator-operator helper 
* 裁剪者帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 cutter helper – pulp and paper 
* 干链承运者的 - 木材加工 dry chain offbearer – wood processing 
* 干丈量员/女/男 - 木材加工 dry chainman/woman – wood processing 
* 给料工 - 木材加工 feeder – wood processing 
* 给料工,木材 feeder, logs 
* 损纸清扫工 - 纸浆和造纸 fifth hand – pulp and paper 
* 绿色分拣工 - 木材加工 green sorter – wood processing 
* 新材丈量员/男/女 - 木材加工 green wood chainman/woman – wood processing 
* 新锯承运者 - 木材加工 greensaw offbearer – wood processing 
* 磨床送料工 - 纸浆和造纸 grinder feeder – pulp and paper 
* 手捆扎工 - 木材加工 hand bundler – wood processing 
* 处理者 - 木材处理 handler – wood treatment 
* 帮手,石灰窑 - 纸浆和造纸 helper, lime kiln – pulp and paper 
* 帮手,切纸机 - 纸浆和造纸 helper, sheeter – pulp and paper 
* 帮手,超级压光 - 纸浆和造纸 helper, supercalender – pulp and paper 
* 帮手,木材处理罐 helper, timber-treating tank 
* 生猪机管理员 - 木材加工 hog machine tender – wood processing 
* 热板压投标帮手 hot plate press tender helper 
* 插孔阶梯管理员 jack ladder tender 
* 劳动者 - 纸浆和造纸 labourer – pulp and paper 
* 劳动者 - 木材加工 labourer – wood processing 
* 劳动者,纸张转换 labourer, paper converting 
* 劳动者,胶合板及单板工厂 labourer, plywood and veneer plant 
* 劳动者,锯木厂 labourer, sawmill 
* 劳动者,木材防腐厂 labourer, wood-preserving plant 
* 跟车工 /女人 - 木材加工 leverman/woman – wood processing 
* 石灰窑帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 lime kiln helper – pulp and paper 
* 木材机管理员 log deck tender 
* 木材填料工 log feeder 
* 木材处理者 log handler 
* 木材削皮工,手 log peeler, hand 
* 木材转移管理员 log transfer tender 
* 木材填料者 - 木材加工 lumber feeder – wood processing 
* 木材处理者 - 木材加工 lumber handler – wood processing 
* 打捞木材 - 木材加工 lumber salvager – wood processing 
* 木材拉直者 - 木材加工 lumber straightener – wood processing 
* 木材零售商 - 木材加工 lumber tailer – wood processing 
* 木材层级工 - 木材加工 lumber tier – wood processing 
* 操作员的帮手,打浆机 - 纸浆和造纸 operator helper, beater – pulp and paper 
* 纸张分拣工和计数工 paper sorter and counter 
* 纸管生产帮手 paper tube production helper 
* 堆集工 - 木材加工 piler – wood processing 
* 胶合板及单板工厂工人 plywood and veneer plant labourer 
* 胶合板烘干机给料工 plywood dryer feeder 
* 纸浆和造纸工人 pulp and paper labourer 
* 纸浆木材再清洁工 pulp-log recleaner 
* 浆垫圈帮手 pulp-washer helper 
* 抹布检查员 - 纸浆和造纸 rag checker – pulp and paper 
* 抹布分拣工 - 纸浆和造纸 rag sorter – pulp and paper 
* 回收厂帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 recovery plant helper – pulp and paper 
* 轮滑人 /女人 - 木材加工 rollerman/woman – wood processing 
* 打捞木材 - 木材加工 salvager, lumber – wood processing 
* 锯零售商 - 木材加工 saw tailer – wood processing 
* 锯木厂工人 sawmill labourer 
* 锯木厂工人 sawmill worker 
* 废材堆集工 - 木材加工 scrap piler – wood processing 
* 屏幕清洁工 - 纸浆和造纸 screen cleaner – pulp and paper 
* 摇打包工 shake packer 
* 切纸机帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 sheeter helper – pulp and paper 
* 卵石微调 shingle trimmer 
* 第六手 - 纸浆和造纸 sixth hand – pulp and paper 
* 堆垛工 - 木材加工 stacker – wood processing 
* 超级压光帮手 - 纸浆和造纸 supercalender helper – pulp and paper 
* 管理员,碎木 - 木材加工 tender, hogger – wood processing 
* 长尾填料工 thrasher feeder 
* 木材处理罐帮手 timber-treating tank helper 
* 传输设备管理员 - 木材加工 transfer equipment tender – wood processing 
* 转运工/男/女 - 木材加工 transfer man/woman – wood processing 
* 微调装载工 - 木材加工 trimmer loader – wood processing 
* 通用工/男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 utility man/woman – pulp and paper 
* 单板干燥机给料工 veneer dryer feeder 
* 木片卸料工 wood chip unloader 
* 木材加工工人 wood processing labourer 
* 木头房劳动者 - 纸浆和造纸 wood room labourer – pulp and paper 
* 木材防腐厂工人 wood-preserving plant labourer 
* 工人,锯木厂 worker, sawmill 
* 庭院劳动者 - 纸浆和造纸 yard labourer – pulp and paper  
